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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. Did you try to say forums or not? Or what.
  2. I have to agree with Gary salt on popcorn nastyyy
  3. Sounds interesting.
  4. Rip my status :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fastik


      It was a video and it went poof rip moob knows what it was

    3. Dustin87


      lol. Lemme take a guess. A Alluh akbar vine?

    4. Big B

      Big B

      It was another Moob banning video and it went poof, Moob CIA confirmed.

  5. SHHH
  6. Thanks.
  7. If you are restrained does that make you a hostage and you're not allowed to rob them again for x amount of time. The reason im asking this is because someone ingame atm is telling me that im not allowed to keep robbing the same guy yadayadayada so id like to know.
  8. Cant edit my posts :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fastik
    3. Hades


      You can edit your posts for a short length of time after making a post. This was done as players would go in and change there posts which caused issues.

    4. Fastik
  9. Summer break hype? :D

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Enjoy it while it lasts... No summer breaks when you have full time job.. :(

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      But I know exactly how you feel.

  10. UNBAN OR RIOT!!!!!!!!
  11. @Nick5523 Oops Civ 24659 Minutes Cop 11834 Minutes R&R 1041 Minutes

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Good good guys :). Fastik, I rarely see you play though.

    2. Fastik


      I've been doing a lot irl recently usually clocked 400+ hours a month 600-650 in a good month

    3. Fastik


      400 during school months tho

  12. The first week mcdili had the Ghosthawk... fun times gg Dili lol https://youtu.be/7PLRekFicbY

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fastik


      ;D Yup was randomly on YouTube and i found that 10/10

    3. cuzzicann


      Damn perfect flying bro... lol can you shoot me some screenshots of your heli controls? and how did you change the color of your stuff to blue?

    4. Fastik


      Default heli controls wasd shift z etc etc, and there's a setting somewhere in the options that says something along the lines of color go in there and have at it

  13. Happy birthday Jen hope everythings good.
  14. I know the feeling bojo..
  15. We're all secretly in Poseidons pocket :D

  16. I didn't mean they're down was just commenting!
  17. rip severs 2k15
  18. Rust server ip?

  19. No more rust server?

    1. Poseidon


      Just updated it, looks like they did 2 updates :P. Although that doesent stop it from being dead. Those 2 days of ddos attacks killed the server :(

  20. I've never had any problems being bullied online, being called a Squeaker or any other shitty thing like thaT. I've been playing computer since I was four, now obviously I never used a mic from then to now but when I did i wasn't called a Squeaker online. In school and shit I was bullied constantly I just went and dealt with it myself and not running off to mommy or daddy or bigger brother/sister, and let's remember here everyone on the Internet aren't nice lititle kids. Some people actually enjoy calling people Squeakers because they want a reaction if it's a big deal record it.
  21. I've seen a whale get so angry it ate my big toe
  22. Lol the last picture.
  23. I agree more clothing would be hella nice.
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