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Everything posted by Crashh

  1. Crashh


    Mar 10 taser Mk1 Taser 2 black t4 vests t5 vest mar 10 mags 45k each have 8
  2. zafir. u get it at the vigilante shop for free if your a new vigi
  3. i’ve seen some of the videos on ur youtube u always play like that lol
  4. blames frames on the video. that’s literally how bad ur computer is lmao not the video u play 20fps all day long
  5. Imagine doing runs
  6. this is dumb. wasted finger movement to post this
  7. @Monks from what i’ve heard it’s the second on
  8. oh no!
  9. yeah bruh how am i helping him do anything i posted it myself and i wanted to express what i think. i didn’t post anything for him if i wanted to post it for him i wouldn’t have bc im not him i j took what he sent and shared it in my thoughts
  10. how is he helping him?
  11. Not saying that @Grandma Gary And how am I helping him?
  13. @Vigi easy money i got a misconduct perm
  14. Honestly not trying to argue but i personally think olympus is better for everything u stated. I find that the cops may be more powerful due to everything they get but we can’t really do anything about it. Civs r still very powerful faction wise and kind of balance things out in certain situations, others not so much. On to the admins on olympus.. Majority of my bans are rdm/vdm or fail rp and i find that i have been able to get out of every ban i’ve gotten with my pov because it can look completely different from one video to another therefore the admins are very lenient on unbanning for simple mistakes but perms are another story. personally i have been permed and i still am because of me being a dumbass and not following armas TOS. This they have to enforce no matter what because of them having a server under armas game. otherwise i think the admins are great especially when it comes to keeping up to date with bans and comp requests. they might take a few days but that’s most likely because they are backed up. like @Panda smile @Headless have always been willing to speak with me in ts whenever i need something they are always on the ball when it comes to staff duties. on asylum i went to kav and mass rdm’d and i still haven’t gotten banned only thing that happened to me was i got vigied and send to jail. i got multiple reports on me and i just got ignored by the lazy staff they have. as for your ticket statement i have rambled my way out of tickets many times in the past because i’m able to come up with a funny story to give them a laugh but that’s not always the case. if u have a high bounty they won’t care maybe they take off a charge or two but will usually send u to jail unless u pay the ticket. it also depends on the cop u have processing u with permission from a higher up online during the processing. i feel that olympus is a better community than asylum for many reason but i don’t wanna go on anymore i j know that all my play time has gone into olympus and cqc servers not much time on asylum would go towards my hours in arma.
  15. turn off internet on ur computer and reconnect. verify integrity of game. restart router try direct connecting like mason said that’s about all you can do
  16. Best of my luck to your entire gang, I never crossed paths with TLP but I bet he was a very chill guy, all of my condolences go to his family. Rest easy man!
  17. Noah I just find it hilarious that they got beaten up so bad they were pretty much forced to merge. The former leader talked so high of himself and his little gang, maybe he’ll change now that he can’t be a control freak or actually have a higher up that can order him to do shit.
  18. HAHA ALF and N0BLE finally made the decision to merge. I think it’s because ALF got tired of being wiped by BUSSY and pocket change as well as losing all their members to BUSSY. N0BLE needed some extra back up from getting 1v6’d by the Bussy boys! https://imgur.com/a/qwUiSyb Damn the two new additions to the higher ranks of noble must have dick rode the way up there!
  19. and the lt uni he forgot to take when raiding my house
  20. And ghawks are supposed to be pulled out during HIGH gang activity but it was pulled on 3 people LMAO
  21. No lifes legit camped my house waiting for me LMAO couldn't roll up and taze/kill 3 guys so they brought the entire APD so sad.
  22. LOL @ThatNerdyGuy its funny how you say its just our gang and we are one sided. You're just defending your wimpy ass Dep Chief lmao
  23. ok bet @Millennium
  24. I think @ThatNerdyGuy is a bit triggered...
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