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hawkg last won the day on February 15

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About hawkg

Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 02/17/2008

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  • Olympus Gang
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    kavala square office building
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  1. hawkg


    Nah the trick is 100k bets till you lose 3 times in a row. You want to go black 100 every time until it goes red 3 times in a row. Once it does that throw the max 10 mill on black
  2. lol
  3. I’m wondering if someone can hit you with no comp then after the report results in you getting banned is said player allowed to receive comp from admins that they didn’t want from the player who got banned
  4. If someone in the dispute explicitly says “no comp” are they allowed to be compensated after the report goes through and they submit a compensation request?
  5. Wow spending money on this junk instead of helping the boys shameful
  6. @ -dante- since when is backpacking exploiting in warzone???

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mighty


      Backpacking is not allowed anywhere on S1

    3. ares


      @ -dante- it is exploiting nerd 

    4. silton


      @ Mighty  Old owners and admins(good ones) never enforced those rules in warzone. Exploiting in the server rules is very vague and up to interpretation such as some jumps at feds, dpi jumping outside of combat, smoke exploiting, etc. 

      If you believe that it should be handled differently maybe you and the current staff team should get together and specify a lot of grey areas that have emerged from staff feeling the need to treat it differently from the glory days(3 full servers). 

      It's getting out of hand in my opinion but I'm always happy to help admins that don't know the rules correctly 🙂.

  7. hawkg

    o7 - Noble

    07 the porta john sniper keep in touch E
  8. @ Masonn  Cole Palmer doesn’t know u exist lil bro 

    1. Masonn


      That's alright your dad doesn't know you exist 🤷‍♂️

  9. Warpoints still broken devs need to fix asap rocky 

  10. Staff sanctioned rap battle in kavala when? 


  11. Staff still banning people with no evidence just because their friends told them to lol. If u don’t have staff friends u will always be at a disadvantage. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hawkg


      No evidence or dispute lol. Staff friends go a long way 

    3. hawkg


      Shit does not make u want to play the server 

    4. America's biggest fan

      America's biggest fan

      @ Ryan  I found a new senior admin for you @ Badserverbadplayers .  This guy seems like someone who won't make friends with anyone. you should hire him.

      This is how you can ensure justice on the server

      trust me, make him admin

  12. @ -dante- u are a joke bro 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      The guy legit admitted to the rule break in the dispute lol. He justified it because “dude you shot at my car suck a dick” u are a moron 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      FUCK @ -dante-  RACIST BITCH ADMIN

    4. -dante-
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