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Everything posted by Tarquanda

  1. Not sure, just offer and ill tell you if its not enough or if its a deal
  2. 2.1m
  3. which and how much
  4. Idk man I camped therisa for a month, got tier 5, bought 10 prowlers, turned in my license. Not that complex ALSO, I fucking hated being a vigi, I just wanted the prowlers, I don't pay for shit from other people, I'm stingy
  5. wasn't fun but wondering if you will get unbanned in the near future
  6. bump
  7. I've never met you but welcome back man, cool to see old players returning!
  8. still for sale?
  9. Just add back the old shed the new processors suck ass
  10. nice pfp you fucking weenie
  11. It's simple... just don't cheat, you don't get banned.
  12. Dp5 4C with attached garage, comment offers.
  13. DP9 4C with attached garage. Comment offers.
  14. @ Doc ban me from casino I just lost 55m, thanks.
  15. You've gotta just be downvote farming at this point, theres no way...
  16. yeah man ima scam someone, totally don't have 381m to pay with
  17. selling 5.8 supp and pcovs
  18. dm or reply with offers
  19. Getting RDM'd bout to get a whole lot more frustrating
  20. 5 loadout slots? sign me up.
  21. bro I swear if I'm not able to spawn at my house after my dumbass friends kill me at it Ima be pissed
  22. In theory, it would be to pay each other back without having to pull cash out and risk such a transaction, but I can see how it would quickly devolve into people spamming others with invoices.
  23. don't buy a server 2 shed, thats a waste of money, you're paying full price for a shed you can only use 8/24 hours of the day
  24. Note: Vegas ventured all the way to diamond processing today, his knowledge of the island of Altis is expanding, it may be too late...
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