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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. Might as well play wasteland I guess, I mean at least I won't get texture bugged on there. Supporting the dev team won't get you unpermed, just letting you know xD
  2. WHAT! You guys don't like the useless skins I make to texture bug the entire server? Well too bad because I'm a designer, my penis is a lot bigger than all of you, and I put countless hours so I refuse to change it. Done talking to designers/devs that are too full of their own creations to make changes for the better of the server. Even people with beefed rigs get the same issue? How about you buy one for everyone that needs a better computer? Or you can give them a simpler texture. All that needs to show is that they are APD... But no lets have a decent skin that will texture bug people as soon as they are within distance to be engaged... Smart. Some people also player servers that they can ACTUALLY play, you know... Performance wise. Besides, without that "hands up or die" or just the PVP aspect is what makes Arma. The first run drops him to 35 FPS with NOTHING in the area right after restart. Wait until 20-30 minutes till restart and have an APD prowler drive through the front gate, then tell me its playable. The R&R is a joke far worse beyond this one. Just sayin...
  3. Not reading this entire thing because I know it would be you stating the fact that it's not just the hospitals. How about you try testing the old hospitals? Move everything back to how it was months ago. Of course other areas have these issues, but when you have the main airfield, an air HQ right across from the hospital and the fed within a 2km radius it gets pretty @Hectic when it comes to frames. On top of all these structures, a couple police vehicles and a ghosthawk is all it takes to completely ruin your experience. I've said this plenty of times... When it comes to performance I much rather have a sign in the middle of salt flats as a hospital than these big bulky useless buildings.
  4. Can we get rid of this system that spawns you outside of cartel when you soft log? 

    1. Snare


      Yeah it would be better if you guys added an option when you log in to be like zeus mode and click anywhere on the map to teleport there I think.

    2. badaim
  5. Did they give you a steak with your pc too? Jesus christ Because they're hard headed and they don't want Muthinator to quit because something he created isn't being used
  6. Why didn't anyone complain about the Airport before we moved hospitals? Or feds for that matter?
  7. Here we go again.... I didn't watch the entire vid but from what I can tell there was only a medic, his vehicle and a quilin. That doesn't acquire a 30 fps drop and nor is that "a little" by any means because his frames were sliced in half. EDIT: I do see that there are a couple more vehicles flying around, but regardless that's not what causes frame drop
  8. Phizx

    Sup y'all

    What do we say to fat kids? @LmFaOExde3
  9. Why are you still here smh.. ssnake
  10. Oh sick dude what are we gonna do dude you wanna vape dude? Suh dude fa suh dude
  11. +1 just because the R&R faction has a bunch of cancer patients already anyway
  12. Damn.. Dep Chief of Police now.. Shoot me your address and I'll shoot you a pizza xD Congrats bud, you've come a long way since we first played together @Lucki

  13. Haven't seen any worse quickpeeking before xD Nice desktop btw
  14. The tree ts has to be the cringiest ts I've ever listened to xD
  15. Phizx

    Quiz time

    1. 2006 or 2007, not sure. 2. Zeus or Travis 3. Greece 4. Poseidon 5. Zeus 6. 13 7. 2014 8. 16 9. MC 10. Talindor
  16. @DeNiaL I see you deleted all of your montages . Realize that #26 is too much or? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      That....doesn't make any sense. He can see the difference without unlisting them.

    3. Phizx


      They'd have to be private or deleted for me not to be able to see it when I have a link. @TheRandomOne brings up a good point as well. @Fuzy

    4. DeNiaL


      Im getting a new pc soon I privated all of them and when I get my new PC and make a montage on 1440p I will re release them all to show the differences.

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