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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. 1. @McDili will APD have access for use of Epi-pens for themselves? 2.Would be awesome if Officers who have Suspect in custody are aware they have the 5 min adrenaline effect and rush them to the nearest hospital, suspect restrained would have the possibility to have the mouse scroll while restrained for the dopamine option. It would also resolve whether their death was a direct effect of the Adrenaline rush via player reports. 5 minutes of the "CRANK" timer (Jason Statham movie), can be either be a lot of time to change the tides of war, or little time to turn that tide depending on player. Once a player in Jail for instanced is lethaled, then his buddies can respond to him, inject the pen, he lives, kills the wave, he rushes to hospital, or Church in Pygros, comes back, plans the next COA (course of Action). Once Epi-pens are implemented, it would give Medics addition requests when notified to respond with Dopamine.
  2. Yet another leader, going up to heavens to be amongst the troll gods of Olympus.
  3. ...
  4. OMG sounds are soo crisp, my voice comes out clear, Im gonna have an.........!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dankasaurus Rex

      Dankasaurus Rex

      Is this one of those finish the sentence games? Oh oh! I got it! 





      Albino panda

  5. I get to go home early today, got paid, can't wait to buy my new headset so I can hear people good, soo excited!!!!!!!

  6. Was that last nite..........
  7. Extortion at its finest!!!!!!
  8. What.....did....I...Just....Watch.......
  9. LOL Bubbaloo working in your fields. Peter, you may not remember but we both were POs once before you got Corp buddy, we go way back as well, it's not goodbye as you still will be here. You are one of the most influential players I know man, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. On duty/Off duty you were a blast to play with. Now you will be up there with the Gods and Troll with the best of them (Gary). Hope to see ya soon!!!!!
  10. Black market would be good, guess that would eliminate capturing said market, no reason for it to be captured.
  11. @djwolf Not only that, it will add extra content for both APD and rebels; Rebels can choose to shortcut their processing, also provides ease of access without having to go to rebel for virtual utility items and limited physical. It gives Officers additional content for patrolling, etc. They were alot of fun, sandbags surrounding the perimeter of the hideouts provided alot of tactical insertions, it would be +1 practice for both assault and defense as well.
  12. Add this to suggestions, I would love to see them back in, at least for the ease access of lock picks etc
  13. My boss just figured out that I can read blueprints without using architect's ruler for construction LOL, now I can start bidding for him future projects *rubbs hands together* looks like I just got myself a raise!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Marty


      Congratulations =)

    2. Talindor


      I hope he will LOL!!!! just wishful thinking on my part.

  14. Wrong, we did, and there is a majority of officers having fun with suspect's in custody, I'm sorry you feel that way. You sir, are a troll and complete a$$ lol, can't wait to catch you again!
  15. over 80k min on arma 10k on dayz Lol
  16. YAY THANKS MYTHICAL GOD'S OF OLYMPUS! !!!!!#!!!!!'' Now I don't have to contemplate on what to do on my dayz off.
  17. It dosnt seem that Bohemia cares as they would just sum it up as "not approved or notified." They would simply look at it as receiving perks as a whole for unsanctioned donations.
  18. A C-note, travelers check (yes they have those). A Groupon.
  19. @CheckUrFoodNWater LOL your signature!!!!
  20. Dizzy, this is a very common issue that happens to me all the time so that is why I switched to shadow play. This is happening ever since they updated OBS around Nov./Dec. Ensure your mic/speakers are setup through your obs and that they are turned on as the guys mentioned above. Save your profile and exit OBS. Right-click obs and select "run as administrator," select preview and check your audio it should work fine. Now everytime you close obs and whenever you want to use it you need to repeat the steps above everytime. It sucks but it's the only way for now until they fix it (which is never). Let me know if it works.
  21. Insurance FRAUD
  22. ROFLMAO omg!!!!!
  23. Oh he's not a noob, trust me, Kavala Troll 2015, don't think I don't know who you are Betrayus, lol. Commit any crimes on your visit to Kavala and it's the Slammer for you, you scat!!!
  24. It crossed my mind, but I was thinking they would have shot me out through the window as the support suppressing fire was a 2 po and 2 deputies. It was a fun engagement anyhow, for everyone lol.
  25. YEA I SAW THAT AND WAS SHITTING A STORM LOL GG GUYS, that was fun! I got in the driver seat and told my boys, "THOSE ASSES SHOT OUT THE TIRES!"
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