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Everything posted by JDC

  1. The loadouts listed are ran most of the time (99%) . "I don't think the civilians care to understand or are ready to have an honest conversation about the state of federal events and proportionate response."
  2. I appreciate this post and the discussion it is trying to bring, however I don't think the civilians care to understand or are ready to have an honest conversation about the state of federal events and proportionate response. The reason the APD mass armor pulls and gives Jr. APD lethals is because of the CIVILIANS gear set and the situation at hand. The civilians run: Zafir/MAR10/MK200/MK1/RPG Armor stack And pull RPGs when the APD pull armor. Before the APD pull armor and authorize lethals for Jr. APD , the average APD gear set vs the Zafir/MAR10/MK200/MK1/RPG and armor stack is not even close to fair. The mass armor pull and authorizing lethals for Jr. APD is to even the playing field. And quite frankly the same civilians that complain about proportionate response are the same ones who do the SAME thing when they play cop (mass armor pull, authorize Jr. lethals) .
  3. So I'm fragging out tomorrow is what I'm hearing.
  4. image.png.197aed42d6ecea57e663b2c7ca39a859.png

    I have so many fans. 🥰

    (context: these are aegis/GM members who give themselves Support Team Member of the Month tag multiple times a day after I remove it)


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      this shits still going on been a recurring problem since 08 (frown face)

    3. silton


      They're mentally ill let them have their fun.

    4. -666-
  5. Captain Morgan’s Rum and Dr Pepper is very good. I personally indulge in White Claws/Mikes Hard Lemonade/TRULY when I’m at home. The occasional Michelob Ultra.
  6. Like it was stated in the IA @ knifemaster had every right to ram the plane as you and your gang were trolling the APD and preventing them from leaving HQ. I like @ Winters comment "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". You and your gang are notorious for being trolls and doing anything for attention. You trolled excessively and made this post for attention. Now it's time to pipe down and maybe think twice about trolling excessively.
  7. o7 @ Knawxxx @ ladymedusa

    Two of the best people I've met on this server. Gonna miss you two. Maybe one day I'll hop on that Tarkov with you.


    1. -dante-


      First Olympus couple to not make me cringe. Y’all come around every now and again. Good luck with everything 

    2. Lucien


      Whats wrong with Olympus couples man

  8. This right here ^ Just look at whos been removed and/or hasn't got promoted in sAPD.
  9. Happy birthday @ Brandyn . Hopefully you get Captain soon!

  10. @ Dr.Dream being accused of cheating is WILD. Looks like he simply shot through your orca glass and you got killed. I can tell you from playing with Dream, he is not hacking. Secondly, it's not "glazing". The community likes him. He's been apart of it for years, therefore the people who know him are going to back him.
  11. Happy Birthday to my favorite Welsh!

    @ GST


    1. GST


      Thank you Mr JDC, lotta love ❤️ 

















      for the last fkn time

      (I am not welsh)

  12. Congrats @ Diamond ! Well deserved!

  13. its already in there: Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).
  14. You shot directly at the helicopter. Therefore, those are not valid warning shots and you did RDM him.
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