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Everything posted by Lou844

  1. You're almost 40 sitting and crying over a video game ahahah my god
  2. @ Jerrod

    JMONEY going crazy

    1. Jerrod


      hell yeah puttin work in

  3. Lou844

    Huge sale

    Fat mess
  4. @ Ryan Unban me and Ill cop the Olympus+

    1. buckie


      Sounds like a good deal to me @ Ryan

  5. Lou844


    Let him know TOP G
  6. Lou844


    Here I got you 1. Make the flags move around during conquest 2. Remove smoke blur boring tbh 3. Let people vote on the map and zone 4. It was halloween weekend if you were on s3 you need help
  7. @ Headless no way baby girl I see what I must wait for
  8. ok
  9. he did
  10. You have sat in VC and told me about playing up reborn and oly back in the day Anti Roach Task Force my friend
  11. You say free groovy and act like you didn't literally blow servers up back in the day calm yourself Yeah theres only a couple players cheating and its literally the serial cheaters that shouldn't be banned in the first place idk why theyve been unbanned
  12. Well you used to cheat and now you don't but you think you're some untouchable god thats clean forever now idk why
  13. Rest in peace my brother
  14. Give me another chance to play arma 3 headless

    1. CaloomClark


      567d ban is what people need to truly change

    2. Lou844


      Im only on like 370 something

  15. @ Crashh How is it being unbanned give me a taste of it

  16. @HooDi happy birthday

  17. Lou844


    I love you to big man
  18. Unban me instead
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