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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Strider for LT+? Well boys, always wanted multiple striders controlled by [MC].
  2. ok
  3. Anyone play Payday 2? Wanna get back into it, need people to play with yo

    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Bruuuuh.  I played the shit out of payday 2 before arma. Check my shit out on steam. I'm a God tier ninja. 

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      So did I on my other account, kinda missin it thooo

  4. I thought that too, until I noticed some of the kills I've been part of that have never been put on a montage. For example, a well remembered scenario: Moob is driving round in an ifrit 400 meters on the north-north-east hill from Warzone Outpost tower, Moob gets shot out of the ifrit driver seat by 3Rip. Next thing you know, Mory is dead next to me on top of the tower with only 1 bullet being used, 3Rip killed him. Best part is this all happened within 1 second (Moob gets killed and nearly instantly Mory gets tapped.) If memory also serves me right, Morry was moving around crouched therefore only top half of his head was showing. This was at ~3am too with dog. Never seen that one posted, I wonder why.
    1. Dustin87


      I just got another one today, 4 on the books boys!

    2. Dustin87


      because retards were trolling a recruitment post i called them kikes, my post got removed there troll posts are all still there....

  5. Rewrite of Altis Life code. More optimisation, NPC's that move (and are animated), amazingly new designed UI etc
  6. Finally 18, and a big boy yo!

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Have a gin tonic for me... I've still got a month until I can legally drink.

    2. Sqwallify


      Happy Birthday. Clemenza I got one more year after Oct 24 -_-

  7. Server lag at its finest http://i.imgur.com/5kw2Qbi.webm

    1. Dustin87


      why are u shooting V, what did i miss?

  8. The fact you did not include me offends me
  9. Flying was on point today.

  10. I can only give lessons what it says in the book, but what happens in practice is not something I teach
  11. Welcome back, todays RP training session: Land / Stay Landed / Pull Over / Dock the Boat and put your hands up or die by { INSERT NAME / GANG TAG }. {Name}, APD Hands up! Vigilante! Hands up {name} or be tazed! Today we covered all forms of role play, have a good day.
  12. Someone wants Corporal obviously
  13. cLoak is a legend, ggwp. This image quality gave me eye aids.
  14. I desync a lot so yea, understandablle
  15. Yet to be featured in a video, I live another day.
  16. Day 378 - People are still retarded.

  17. With the recent update from BI developers of a famous game modification, ACE, have found an exploit that would allow an uninvited individual to access your files. Upload, remove or download. Here is the message that was given around on reddit: (SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/3irs3v/until_further_notice_do_not_play_on_any_arma/) Putting it simply - do not experiment with servers. Only go on servers that you trust. I asked @Ace to spam this on Olympus TS for instant information. Found this posted somewhere by an actual ACE developer, just can't find the link to that only the reddit.
  18. YouTube had a streaming feature for a long ass time afaik
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