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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. I never ALT F4'd so fast in my life omg

    1. Fastik


      Combat Logging Kappa

  2. I messaged a Sergeant to redeploy as it was 20 to 0 cops and server 1 had 70 people whereas two had 46 and jailbreak going on... All I had was "Chat conversation was closed."
  4. Absence/Leaving post number 7? :3
  5. Welcome back
  6. "Abu Waheeb, Vigilante - hands up or be tazed". Those words scare me the most in Kavala...

    1. Fedot


      "Fedot, Vigilante hands up" ~ Rando Vigi

      "SUCK MY ASS COP" Fedot

      *Fedot was Tazed*

      "RDM, COMP OR BAN" Fedot

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      My one today looked like:

      "Abu, hands up or be tazed. Vigi!"

      "Oh shit, fuck you and everything you stand for. Im unarmed bitch"

      *Shots*, I go down to 89 HP

      "HA FUCK YOU"

      "Where'd you go?!?!?!?!"

      "MC knows these parts like their back pocket, bitch vigi"

      RIP Vigi who never found me!

    3. Nick5523


      There's no escaping the wrath of an RDMing vigi

  7. If Moob had this...
  8. RIP Ares ;-; best chief 2k15
  9. The guy is wrong and stupid.
  10. I've had a presentation from a worker at Bohmia Interactive Simulations, with him came a few fagroys that let us know about this island once. After the boring ass 1 hour presentation I asked one of them how it will utalaise with the whole Life gamemode that people play and he said that he's unsure, he thinks it may work as a little tropical island that people are ihabitating. But at same time, it is a whole different terrain compared to Arma. Personally I don't think it'll work, Arma feels like a small map for Altis Life eitherway as it's so easy to run into someone or patrol the place and with an even smaller map it'll be an overkill that _PD can't patrol same redzone every 20 minutes to make it fair on people. But interested how it'll feel, my computer tells me bad for it...
  11. Safe to say, I'm becoming better at shooting people on Arma, somehow managed to get better frames! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      i donut hax on csgo, perfect proof is fact they accuse me for lyke 2 months now, and so far 3 ppl got banned but not me? im either pro haxor or gaben

    4. SPBojo



      Konkz dosnt hack! ; )

  12. TeamSpeak icons gave me cancer

    1. Dustin87


      I like the Dispatch icon the little cross.

    2. Adaptation


      Then go contact a doctor!

  13. Bojo needs friends so hard he's trying to make friends with a scammer, aw
  14. If you get sent to jail on Medic as you're a badass, fail to pay tickets - do you go to jail for civ time? Like cop?

    1. Tman15tmb


      Don't get any ideas Medics.. If you get sent to jail then you will have a talk with the Coords.

    2. Dustin87


      ambulance is here

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I think it's time to risk being a Medic for science!

  15. Gonna stay at warzone to avoid RDM bans, ez lyfe

  16. pHunter is my #1 Medic, he da real MVP

  17. Planes? Hmm... as part of MC I say it's needed! Also I'm glad that they started to take care of Civilian aspect, not only because of Arma 3 Life (With any map) but also due to co-op missions - to keep the immersion going. Scenario where you see a populated town such as Kavala - instead of seeing just cars and some boats driving about you have a lot more realistic vehicles then you go to training to Stratis and instead of seeing just cars driving around, planes flying and everyone being happy you see a lot of shit destroyed. Gives a lot more immersion in my opinion. EDIT ANYONE NOTICE THESE? THEY MAY BE DRIVABLE. THE IFRIT WILL BE FUCKED WHEN THIS SHIT IS IN ARMA
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