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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. 1, Dammit i like them all
  2. I run 1440P on a 780GTX. Runs most games fine. Fallout 4 max, Arma struggles, but I think that's my 3570k holding it back.
  3. or Trap, or dubstep
  4. buncha pansies lol
  5. Umm i think speed bombs are bugged.  I put one on a cop car and it didnt do anything.  Put it on same car and still didnt work. 1.2mil with no laugh.  I really dont want to use anymore if they are. 

    1. Thomas


      I bought 6 of em the other day and i can't find where i am put em...drunk me is an idiot

    2. QKSILVR73
  6. Suv run.
  7. Is there any rules reguarding speed bombs. I thought at one time there was, but cant seem to find it. It doesnt say who placed them or was killed by. I havd been using them for shits and giggles but want to do it withon the rules. Can someone point me in the right direction please. Thanks BTW I have used about 6 and one of those was confiscated by the police. lol
  8. Troll the cops with speedbombs
  9. gots me
  10. yep lol
  11. Getting the cops to chase you in a boat, then them grabbing a chopper only to sink it trying to get me out of the water.  Lol.  Good times, good times.  :bender-dance:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yoitsdanny1


      Lol dangers heli got trasheddd

    3. QKSILVR73


      I have a video coming although its rather long lol


    4. QKSILVR73
  12. ur game keeps crashing after upgrading to win10 :angry:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      yes, but its not a clean install. :/


    3. Ham


      clean install?

    4. QKSILVR73


      Format hard-drive then install. I had win7 on it and didn't want to reinstall all my games, etcc


  13. I started on Server 3 about 1 1/2 years ago. They always made you do some little thing for them not to rob you. For me I was processing Diamonds or something and they came up and surrounded me and said i had to sing them a song. Twinkle twinkle little star I think it was. LOL They left the little guys alone but had fun with them. If you were in a red zone though forget about it. LOL
  14. Sometimes when you're in a redzone, pleading for your life, it actually works. :) Thanks to you know who you are.

  15. HAHA MF good one!! Little excited though. My laptop speakers about fried LMAO
  16. Bahaha the shrill in his voice
  17. How ? Bohemia is so money hungry
  18. I like Speedbombs MUHAHAH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      It takes about 6 secs and an alarm sounds like you are lock-picking. Stay under 40k. i think anything over 40k and it gets activated.


  19. Buffalo Bill and his stories haha. Im scared lol
  20. Aww that Popcorn thread was deleted. :PJSalt:

    1. Ham


      What happened???

    2. QKSILVR73


      Thread about the door animations on Ifrits yada yada. Poop was tossed etc.. etc.. LOL

  21. Enjoy. BTW NSFW
  22. Had this long story about Street Racing on Altis last night, but FML laptop crashed. It was fun,  the AHP Muthinator and AHP Tman and the AHP chopper made it fun messing with them. Inky, myself and another guy were in the mess. Then the cops took each other out. Good times!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      I have it recorded too. Just wont have time for a while :/

    3. Inky


      oh good, i thought you meant you lost the footage when your laptop crashed.

    4. Muthinator
  23. I'm at work right now but maybe check Open your Armaprofile-config C:\Users\~YOURUSERNAME~\Documents\Arma 3\~YOURUSERNAME~.Arma3Profile Search for "keyForceCommandingMode[];". Set 41 into the curly brackets for Tilde to work, 57 equals Spacebar. However, Spacebar didn't work for me. keyForceCommandingMode[]={41};
  24. DayZ used to do this back in the day. Very annoying. Though not nearly as bad as that.. OK well it is bad. Look up DayZ barbed wire glitch... it's Arma
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