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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. DayZ used to do this back in the day. Very annoying. Though not nearly as bad as that.. OK well it is bad. Look up DayZ barbed wire glitch... it's Arma
  2. Uggh can we get rid of the damn trailer thingy near Kavala Hospital?

  3. What Dee Fudge??

    1. QKSILVR73
    2. Fedot


      Some people don't learn, even after taking a bullet to the brain

    3. Joel
  4. Whew!! Someone asked for a Taxi for 3 for 200k. I'm like all right. Go to pick them up and shot dead as they walk up to me and steal my Heli. Re-spawned at my garage, gear up at my house to hunt them down. As I'm driving to Prygos, cause my Keychain says they are near there. I look again, chopper not there. FUDGE!! I keep driving and see smoke in Prygos. Shit that's my chopper. I pull up and they crashed it next to the car spawn. Stored it. WIN! :happygary:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Linka


      would you give me a ride marty? 

    3. Marty


      Yup. Usually the only time i deny service to people i do know is when they're too far away

    4. QKSILVR73


      No video cause my Shadowplay was fubared at the time. I had audio though. You guys can imagine it. lol

  5. and your camera for unsuspecting Taxi drivers
  6. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=456645774530867&id=368274030034709
  7. LMAO and you drove off bastard!! I knew I was i click away from airfield. My PC lagged and then I was in power lines LMAO
  8. shadowplay enabled but doesnt work on 1440p. Ugggh bye bye stolen Taxi chopper :(

    1. Ham


      Record desktop and set arma to fullscreen windowed?

    2. QKSILVR73


      Thanks, I'll see if that works.

  9. You're probably drawing too many amps for the circuit. Try finding which plug outlets go to which circuit breaker. If you're in a condo these may be labeled for you. I know as a general rule of thumb, your PC in itself should be wired to it's own separate circuit. It is quite possible the breaker is bad. If they trip enough times they do go bad and get weaker.
  10. Is everyone that upgraded to Win10 have issues with the Tilde in ARMA3

    This may be a fix http://superuser.com/questions/1000952/tilde-backtick-button-not-working-on-windows-10

    1. Tman15tmb


      Or you can use the scroll wheel ^____^

    2. Fedot


      My tilde key isn't working on 7 any advise?

  11. dumbest reason to get banned. Swimming and die
  12. Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animals!

  13. SNOW !! On the page!!

  14. Fixed: Fall damage is no longer reduced by wearing different armor

  15. "Land for 5min or be shot at by MC"  LOL No thanks I'll fly away

  16. seriously though, people are worried about trolling? That's what makes it fun. Breaks the monotony of the server.
  17. Yay lets bring back a year old thread. Yay! LOL
  18. Uhh no. It's a holiday which brings all the previous people that are in school back to playing. This would have to go on for weeks to be viable.
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