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Everything posted by Element_

  1. @ Big Boss Fredo Where are you at when I need you? 


    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      When I use to do that as a tier 5 vigi I would alt f4 and let my niggas restrain but don’t tell any admins I told you that 

    2. Element_


      @ Big Boss Fredo its alright Scribble actually did his job 


  2. Bullet benders or absolute NPCS, there has been no inbetween on Labs for me this wipe.

    at 12 seconds you can see someone wide peek from parking, didn't even see that until after lmao.

    1. WALT


      Exactly why we're taking a break this wipe.

    2. billdroid


      It’s a skill gap I’m kappa

  3. Most normal fed gameplay @ WALT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      not in event = not gonna die

    3. Mako


      Forgot to add him to the event until later on unfortunately however when you did nail him with rockets, (in Event) true to the rumors Walt always tanks the laggy cunt.

      The AT Qilin does kill, it's just that you blew up a vehicle with Tasers loaded, similar behaviour to VDMing someone in a Heli on APD tasing them.

    4. knifemaster


      @ Mako  never thought id say this but thank you for making that 20 minutes of hell a little less shit haha

  4. Duping on a ten year old game should just be an account wipe and perm with an appeal after 90 days. Handing 7 days out because they disclose the method is kinda cringe (which I assume stock did tell staff)
  5. Happy birthday @ nman !!!!

    Come tase cops on vigi with me pwease?

  6. I stand with @ Big Boss Fredo

    Can someone enlighten me on how tasing a cop 3 times is excessive? 

    afaik that's the max tases you can do before excessive becomes an issue as a rule of thumb.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Element_  the person reporting was laughing, it’s the higher ups in the back telling him to report cuz they upset 

    3. Millennium


      Tbf there is no set amount in the rules. People have always just gone off the “3 times any more is excessive.” However when they are doing it at something like a bank they are doing it knowing they are unable to actually restrain that individual. 

      So it really is up to the staff member on what they consider excessive. There is no point to tasing cops at the bank besides to annoy them.

    4. Zombie Mall Cop

      Zombie Mall Cop

      Apparently there is a grey area rule for tasing cops at these events, hopefully these grey area rules will be added to the wiki in the future but ill explain it quick from what I've heard.

      Example of valid tasing; if you only have a taser when the event starts, tase the cop and ask someone to come lethal him.

      Example of invalid tasing: You tase the cops while having a lethal in your inventory to hold back waves etc..

      The reasoning behind this is most event are under 20 minutes so the tasing delay is essentially to OP imagine if AP, TP or Aegis just tased all cops every wave lol


  7. Happy birthday to the ticket whore and false banner himself @ -Shawn-

    1. -dante-


      @ Diamond  slowly tryna take my role as the ticket whore. Finally some competition ;D

    2. Diamond
    3. Diamond
  8. Buy hut lag, he ran up the stairs to roof and you just didnt see him because of desync
  9. I need to get my hours, I've been very naughty and inactive
  10. JrAPD giving SAPD constructive criticism and SAPD responding by pulling rank and saying "you don't know shit." is an awful look @ nicole SAPD setting the standard and leading from the front just as they should be!!!!
  11. Buddy I've barely touched oly because tarkov wiped and I'm having way more fun playing that than this high school drama shit, mb for calling out bad leadership ig.
  12. aint no way the Bieber bowl haircut speaking rn
  13. Case in point @ King actually shows good leadership and uses the handbook to stop JrAPD from logging out because of a 25v8 BW, gets ripped for it @ Clashingtin body camps in a redzone, admits to it, gets to keep his rank. I will say it again, lack of accountability is insane. Situations completely different? for sure, but you shouldnt be ripped because someone has a different interpretation of the vague book.
  14. that alone would get me a demotion but you got a slap on the wrist, actual clown behavior
  15. Im going for throats at this point, the lack of accountability at the top is insane
  16. oh mb didnt you get OICed for bodycamping in a red zone?
  17. Dancing around what I said, backpedaling and downplaying your OWN words!!!!
  18. @ nicole https://gyazo.com/87336732bbd33deea1b8232e594bc053 Lead from the front not from the unit channel please and thank you!!!!!!!! "I make every effort to play with JrAPD" There can be 20 cops on and you still sit in locked channels with friends, you only play with Jr APD during feds liderally
  19. I've been APD for a hot min, done my fair share of being the punching bag of the server. 25 civs with BW gear, full auto 7.62, maybe sprinkle a couple of frits and stackable clothing in there vs 8 cops that is mostly Tier 2 vests and only one or two 7.62 users is literal cancer. I would do the exact same in King's shoes, ya know, actually taking JrAPD into account and showing some basic leadership skills. SAPD should not be afraid to use handbook rules full stop. Then just to get them overruled by some guy that plays as a Corp 4 hours a week and doesn't interact with 99% of APD except in his own circle? Yeah no wonder even POs and deps have to be afraid of losing rank every time we fight a fed event. Everyone suddenly becomes an expert on the poorly written and vague ass book. On to the 25 civs issue, Im gonna use Anzus as an example as in my opinion they do majors well in keeping it balanced 8.1 - When civilians conduct a major crime, they must use the correct number of members involved in dispatch and you can not change the civilian numbers at the major crime after it has started. You also must use the correct choice of firearm, if you have 1 or more class 3s you must select class 3. You must text police via dispatch app what clothing you're wearing. 8.2 If civilians do not state in the dispatch that they want to negotiate during a major crime, 1km around the major crime marker becomes KOS between the civilians doing the major crime and the police responding to the major crime. 8.3 - You cannot initiate or interfere with a major crime if you are not involved. This includes police that are staging to respond to a major crime. 8.4 - Civilians cannot outnumber cops during a major crime, it must be a minimum of 1.5 LEOs to 1 civilian (1.5-1) 8.5 - Once shots are fired at the major crime you may not attend if you are not on the server/if you disconnect. 8.6 - You cannot shoot through windows, walls, or doors at major crime locations. (Also when major crimes are not active) You may shoot through the interior windows of the decagon major crime. 8.7 - You cannot start a major crime 30 minutes before and after a server restart. Majors can only be started 30 minutes after the last major crime has concluded. 8.8 - A major crime can be called off by the highest-ranking staff member online, in cooperation with the highest-ranking cop online, if they deem that adequate response numbers cannot be met (this is not the only reason, but the main one). 8.9 - Police must respond to a major crime in order to meet response numbers. Notice how all the things that make fighting a fed on cop cancerous are rules? @ Headtaps knows these all too well, the only thing cops complain about over there are the weapons civs use in majors, that's literally it. You can say im comparing apples to oranges but I think if we had some of these or maybe one being 8.4, Feds wont go like "Hey a big group is up, log out if you dont want to fight the fed."
  20. Congrats @ SheriffJohnBeard

    If you titan engage me on medic anymore im slamming my ghawk into your forehead

    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      thank you 🙂

      LOL hummingbirds are too tempting.. I can not make any promises, but I'll try my best not titan you again


  21. Server full GGs 

    1. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      sorry me and my people have vip 



  22. @ Mako happy birthday, how many times did you say "kill yourself" this past year?

  23. Purchasable Spawn points at each individual Vigilante Outpost 50 Vigi Points to unlock Unlocks the ability to spawn at a vigilante outpost of your choice You can purchase all of them and have all outposts available as a spawn location T3+ Exclusive Requires active license (not available when stored) Cum, im gonna have all the spawns and not just athira no way man
  24. Happy birthday @ Brandyn , we go extract camp emercom?

    1. Brandyn


      No ones leaving through emercom 😈

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