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Status Updates posted by Element_

  1. Excuse the monkey brain convo in the background. 

    Remember to always fail titan your friends

    1. -dante-


      convo really exposing 

    2. Element_
    3. knifemaster


      Why would I care, i get called worse if I process anyone lol

  2. Congrats @ Dante on getting access to the money printers

  3. Region ban brazil

  4. @ Milo blame him for TS taking a shit

  5. What happens when you give paras ghosthawks smh useless faction

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N9ne


      Exploiting - DPI 

      Please comp 200k or report

    3. KermitZooicide


      Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. 

      Thank you for the report.

      If you have lost anything due to this rule break please submit a separate compensation request referencing this ticket for proper compensation on this matter.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Have you tried being less fuckable?

  6. Happy Birthday @ Knawxxx

    Can you actually be an active R5 now and stop playing cowboy game?

    1. Knawxxx


      Thanks monkey and request denied as your demoted at this time 😂

  7. How to deal with AFK medics 

    Thanks to the APD for sponsoring the ghawk

  8. CMR go brrr 


    1. Toretto


      Sheesh they need to balance things and make POs only get the MX or Spar! Should be on par with a vigilante who has to grind 100 arrests just get a rifle 😂

  9. Happy birthday to the biggest kav rat and taser slinger i know @ Big Boss Fredo

  10. Congrats @ obytheone @ xsmitherz on CPL, just don't get people to fund escorts because you're broke like @ Clash

    Your 50 hour weeks start now smitherz. Oby did they make you bark as part of the test? 

    1. -dante-


      No broke shaming around here. I also expect my escorts to be funded 🥱

    2. Knawxxx


      Clash is one of my fellow casino degens we'll get that shit back in blood lmao

    3. Clashingtin


      Hey I’m actually kinda rich rn 

  11. New vigi vehicle!!!!

  12. 0610739cafb7ab17e210783898225d46.png

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      @ Rexo that johnny goose guy is after you

  13. congrats @ ladymedusa now you can take "Yurrrrr done!" to a whole other level

    1. ladymedusa


      HAHAHA, thanks buddy!

  14. ArmA_3_Screenshot_2023.09.26_-_20.52.50.29.png?ex=6514d735&is=651385b5&hm=2314fa42b64030ef29af6bd8d19f8ad2f5f463ef5f48d3ba6fe2483e24ccf7f7&

    Moments before warcrimes committed by Aegis APD, which included @ monster gunning down a man driving his boat peacefully, killing a man after a cop epis him, to which cop did it is unkown. Congrats on SGT!!!!! 

    1. monster



      it had to be done.

  15. @ GST  when you send him house pc evidence

    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      brb need to change my pants...

  16. https://gyazo.com/3ccbec639fa38294721c51778185bc3d


    If POs can set up and run checkpoints then why don't we have road kits?

    This was extremely fun to do, had a lot of new players coming through not being anti social monkeys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elements


      change your fucking name

    3. Element_


      @ Elements be surprised how many times people think im you when my ign is Element 

    4. Elements


      im passing the torch my young padawan❤️

  17. No screenshot needed

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Clashingtin


      my only question is why u got night vision on in the day time

    3. Element_


      @ Clash that part of the map is annoying to fight when its barely light out, helps me see ADOA bushwookies at shine pro also

    4. sandman
  18. 2c0d91c92126943f511351f2c85add60.jpg

    Deputy Duper @ Doke TV rounded up 3 Aegis hooligans and saved himself from getting robbed. 

    1. Knawxxx
    2. Doke


      Reporting for duty!

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