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Everything posted by RichusX

  1. Did someone say Rust server? Guess who's back...

    1. Fedot


      Only if it was him he would be rich but a few flaws.

      PoS = Point of Sale

      Posiden is a god so most Malware Creators name there product after a God because of its 'Godly' nature. #IHecker


    2. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      If you are big into security, lokihardt pulled some serious boss moves at Pwn2Own, netted himself $225k, biggest pay day for a single person @Pwn2Own. http://hothardware.com/news/researcher-nets-225k-in-pwn2own-contest-for-hacking-chrome-safari-and-ie

  2. Adios Olympus! It was fun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidgetMuncher
    3. The B.

      The B.

      richus where you dipping to?

    4. RichusX


      Tired of Olympus... Might jump on now and then, but not often.

  3. I was driving home from college today and stopped at the gas station. I sat there in the car next to the pump and waited till my car would refuel. After sitting for a minute it hit me that I'm not playing AL and I actually have to get out of the car to refill it...
  4. Finally getting my new monitor tomorrow... (current one: http://i.imgur.com/Lra0vaO.jpg)

  5. Server #1 Gadget FIXED!

  6. When I joined Olympus for the first time, I thought that MC gang are some Minecraft fanboys... :D

    1. RogueMK


      you couldnt of been more wrong lol

    2. Raine
    3. Lethals Loaded
  7. I wouldn't care about clothes & stuff... but crates and vehicles...
  8. Interesting Server #1 Graph http://i.imgur.com/MZPxZdR.png

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Wow. Pretty cool, dude. I like how right after the wipe it goes vertical.

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It's because people did not play for the whole week as they found it pointless, most people cleared their dates for that one day etc.

  9. Olympus Gadgets UPDATED!

    1. Warfare


      Glad your staying on top of it!

  10. My optic fibre was installed 10mins ago... My ping with US servers is 90ms.... WOOHOO!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chaotix


      im in the US, 2 years ago i started using a crappy wifi box, im still using a crappy wifi box, and the 8 years before that i had dial up, you dont know the pain of 4.5kbps download speed

    3. RichusX


      I know the pain. I remember the days of dial-up... "Mom get off the phone I'm trying to play here"

    4. Dustin87


      fibre i cant wait for fibre

  11. Gotta love Android USB tethering when your broadband is down. ^-^

  12. I'm pretty sure BLG would be up for it. We have people...
  13. I would help, but 1700 ET here in UK is 2200 so I will be unable to help out.
  14. Hey, everyone! My name is Ritvars (a.k.a. RichusX). I'm 16 years old, originally from Latvia, moved to Edinburgh, UK around 3 years ago because of better education. English is my second language, but I speak in English better than a lot of locals. I love PC gaming. I've been playing PC games since I was 7. Started playing Arma around 4 years ago, initially played Arma 2, but switched to Arma 3 when it got released and it's been a great experience so far. Besides gaming I like to program, do some penetration testing & chill with friends. I've played on several UK AL communities, but it just didn't feel right, so I looked up some US servers and Olympus caught my eye. After first 2h of playing I fell in love with the atmosphere on the server. Currently I'm in high school but I'm going to start college (Games Development course) in few months. There's a picture of me & my friends from summer 2014. (I'm the guy in the middle) Hope to meet you all in-game! P.S. Sorry if I've made a spelling / punctuation mistake as my writing skills are not that great. RichusX
  15. I can see from your post formatting and grammar that you're not mature enough to be a part of either APD or R&R.
  16. The thing with text on side of the vehicles (at least SUVs), on one of the sides It's gonna look normal, but on other it will be backwards...
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