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Im KiD

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Status Updates posted by Im KiD

  1. KDE2Xr2.jpg

    so um i tried making one @Panera and yes thats me!

  2. KcQimjR.png&key=0913431b6c31330e75bb46a0

    Who ever made this i want one made of me!

  3. dn8eS9Y.png

    yeah i'm cool

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      SN as in the gang? i've been in pretty much every gang this server produces 

    3. iPopsicle


      You're a gang whore

    4. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      i'm a olympus hoe

      but best gang is MEDIC gang

  4. IM BACK!!!!!! i've finally made it to INTERNET YES!!!!!!!!

    1. N7Zero


      Welcome back!!! but.. who are u again?

      oh wait.. ur that guy in my gang. 

    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      i'm just kinda that guy who is just known enough to be "there" but don't really do much so i just blend in :\

      still the best goddamn medic on olympus !!!!!

  5. Was feeling kinda down and looking at these pictures of art made me feel better :D if anyone likes just looking at art here is a link : 



    1. -dante-


      Reading saves lives


    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      i know i read it i'm just stating my sadness for my beloved tree background

  7. cWVvzhL.gif


    How people act around me when i give em those medical lollipops

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      lol thats what you do and then i gotta show up revive you and offer u them lollipops XD 

    3. Jonn


      29 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:



      Quite toxic for a support team member

    4. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      lol its fine leave em alone its not like ima go drink bleach now because he showed me a kys video

  8. If you wanna hear me and my sis play around on a beat here u go : 

    sorry if i violate some rule about not posting something related to Olympus ._.

    1. DeadPool


      is she black?

    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      we Both are mixed with black white asian n indian my guy


  9. Let me Fidget Spin into your heart <3

  10. A7324DE5BCAF8EEEDD65BBF909DFB09C1F0C3424

    When i Drop DEM BARZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (this is from a hacker i do not nor do i affiliate with hackers) ((dont bane me plz)) 

  11. Im kinda salty because i got a SALTED coffee and all of the salt is in the bottom and now i have gone from drinking chocolate heavenly goodness to the tears of all the little kids in arma T_T  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Who the fuck puts salt in coffee? :DansGame:

    3. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      I put salt in coffee got to make life interesting u know try NEW things :)

      plus it taste pretty good IF U MIX IT WELL


    4. Fedot
  12. Pancakes and Sleep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lolz. I wasn't trying to bring the bans up, I was just trolling you.  Man you are way younger than me .  Come game on. Leave the support bit for a while ;) 

    3. SPBojo


      from my belives im done gaming, atleast for along time, cant be arsed anymore : P its not fun hah, and i know you didnt try to bring up the bans, but i find my bans ok to discuss, all i did was to basically RDM Mc or Former Mc members : P except from the APD abuse of course!

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Only to MC? Sir Bojo, you are fine in my book.  ;) lolz

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