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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. Hi everyone. So i recently got a question from someone asking me why i still have the ability to get angry from time to time, and i've come to the decision to enlighten some of you with the reason why... So last year my ex got her children stolen from her by CPS. One of them being my oldest son. Not gonna go into details of the case, but truth be told i have chosen to turn to internet and streaming to find comfort while this case in ongoing. That being said i am a emotional train wreck. Some days are better than others and you guys might here me laugh in game and have fun, and yes i have fun cause i enjoy this game and i enjoy being on this server. BUT some days i don't know what to do, i feel like either falling apart or start to punch stuff. That is also one of the reasons i came on to break rules before i got my 14 day ban given by @Peter Long.. This is not a justification for doing it, i admit i did it and i wish i could take it back. I served my ban and that was the end of it. I am coming back to Olympus more and more cause this will always be my home since this is the first RP server i joined when i first got Arma. SO hopefully this will enlighten some of you guys in terms of curiosity of why i still have the tendency to become angry and yell in game. I try not to do it, but truth be told, i don't know how much longer i can keep going without crashing and falling apart.... SO this is me trying to be brave and shed some light on who i am and what i struggle with on a daily basis and besides, i have been thinking a long time on this before even started to write this post, but i am out of options.. I had to tell someone of what i go trough, so why not inform you wonderful people in this wonderful community that i am still only human and that i make a ton of mistakes.. So thanks to everyone who has been understanding towards me in game and has added to the fun i've had since i returned to Olympus, and hopefully this can shed some light on my anger issues. Best regards Fluffyteddy
  3. That's enough RDM for one night :D

  4. Hell yeah, the meme is back :D

    1. Ninjaman427


      @McDili I'll donate a bill to get this old man child permd

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      @Ninjaman427 FAT MEMES you african american person ;)


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Armalisk


      what is wrong with you?

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Can you get medic again so I can shoot you out of helis like i used to

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      Armalisk, I just don't wanna live a normal life ;) And Luke nope... I don't play altis life anymore ;)

  6. Fluffy on server 1 just for today - special greet and meet only 



  9. Take me to support Ecks Dee

  10. Thanks Muth, same to you my friend It has been fun being a proud member of R&R and being under your command Who knows, maybe i'll return one day to see how it is I will Bojo, you to my norwegian friend
  11. Haha It is for real this time Like i said, i will be comming on from time to time, so don't be to suprised if you encounter me ingame
  12. The time has come for me to departure from this community... First off i would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you Thank you for all the good memories and all the fun times we've had I leave here with so many good memories and so few bad ones.... I am not gonna make a long goodbye post - but there is a few people i would like to give a special thanks to @Isaac Newton, @Muthinator, @Tman15tmb, @Peter Long, @McDili, Mercury, Dante Fleury and a few others, you guys know who you are Thank you guys so much for all the support you've given me during the time i've been in this community I will still come on from time to time, but won't be active enough to have any major role in this community any longer So with this is step down from both R&R and Support team... I wish the members of both theese awesome teams the very best and i'll see you guys from time to time <3 It is has been fun, and now i am saying goodbye for now <3 <3
  13. Nice to see the change I personally was one of thoose who enforced to no engagement trough the cop/medic chat, and it got really stupid at times cause they should be able to do so, so this is a much needed and long overdue change It's gonna make it alot easier now for both sides to communicate better i all of the situations they should encounter ingame
  14. This is so nice.... There is a new arma 3 update aparantly, but Steam shows no updates for arma 3, do i really have to buy the jet DLC to get the game to update? 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Serpico


      Make sure you're not on a profiling branch.

    3. DeadPool


      Take off any beta you have then download 

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      Had to verify game cache to get it to work

  15. Why does every update turn into a hate fuckfest towards medics just cause we get stuff updated as well?

    1. Lucki


      Medics didn't get shit for the longest time (besides bench-presses, hummingbirds on sticks, and lots of other random objects inside the HQ). Glad you guys get some love :)

    2. Tman15tmb


      Nothing like a good ole fashion hummingbird on a stick.

  16. Sooo good to have my computer back 

    1. SPBojo


      Nice! Getting mine back tomorow most likely, cant wait, feel like a child waiting to enter the candy store!

    2. FluffyTEDDY
  17. Sorry that my face makes you feel that way boy And no, not using it to get attention at all, if you would read all the comments this started as a resignation post, but ended up with me staying cause of awesome people wanting me to stay.. But you're not getting rid of me so get used to it Again if the admins could lock or delete i would apriciate it
  18. It was an up and comming resignation post, but seeing how thoose who are not trolls actually wants me to stick around i decided not to complete the resignation and instead decided to stay.. Like stated in previous comments, one of my reasons for not leaving is Lincoln, other reasons are people like you, dilli and the rest of the awesome staff members of this community... You and me have our arguments and disagreements, but at the end of the day i still repsect you cause of all the things you and the rest of sr R&R have done for me... As for @Dante Fleury's comment, yes i can be toxic to, not trying to hide it, but i never go as far as bully someone, if i step out of line and get confronted with it i allways apologize.. but as stated above, you and the rest of the staff team and certain R&R members have made it easy for me to change my mind and continue to be apart of this Community Please lock and or delete this post
  19. To be fair, @Lincoln Williams made me change my mind about leaving, so your stuck with me still Bojo, luv yah 2 you viking butthole
  20. Well, you where and still are a LEGEND in this community, and i've had many fun times playing on the servers along side with you Hahaha xD well, Lincoln you've made my mind, not leaving your sorry ass to rot alone xD you and me are gonna rule the skies once my computer gets back from service
  21. Hell i dunno, made me feel better at least
  22. I am considering leaving yes, haven't made my mind just yet. And you have allways been one heck of a medic to be on duty with, and i've had many fun times with you xD
  23. No, find another medic to titan
  24. There is allways other medics you can shoot out of the skies by destroying their tailrotors without engagement
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