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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. It's been a good run my friend, hope this it not goodbye forever brother... We have done some crazy shit together, and you have allways been a friend no matter what happend after Mafia fell apart.... So see you on the other side brother, hope to see you again soon <3 You will be missed </3
  2. Congrats brother You deserve the LT spot man And Happy Bday :)
  3. There is big issue to be adressed and yes the servers are dying because big gangs often Rob New players, but lets be real, new players Rob other new players as well bc they don't stand a chance against the bigger gangs.. And then there is also the countless people joining the server and get enough money for a gun and then run around and RDM everyone
  4. Nice to see you back Rogue You have been missed brother, glad to see that you have been given a second chance.. Hope to meet you in a gunfight in game soon :D
  5. Sad to see you leave buddy you will be missed greatly :'( Love you brother <3
  6. servers are not showing for me, am i the only one with that problem? 

  7. Olympus has fallen, i repeat.. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN...

    Due to OVH having technical issues, our beloved Olympus has fallen and can't come back up before OVH is back on track :( R.I.P Olympus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ham
    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I just found out that another major server uses the same data center.  We won't be loosing players to them ;) 

    4. FluffyTEDDY
  8. Both servers are down 

  9. hey, never slam a door in a cops face cause then the door gets tazed aand gets changed for aiding in your escape xD
  10. Some of it was RP, but still it was to easy to get me annoyed or mad :/ It's okey Snake, cause i am well familiar with your kind of people.. Safe to say, that you can't Hurt me..
  11. Hey everyone... I know i am not the most loved person in this community, and i've been a pretty terrible rager up until the last few weeks.... Story is that i've been dealing with alot of shit the last year on a personal level, and it has taken alot of strength and i've been so tired of everything basicly, and that did reflect my ingame play style on a bad level.... I've taken a lot of breaks and tried to get over it, but up until the last few weeks it just didn't work out for me... But i recently managed to change that into something positive, i've managed to keep my personal life out of the ingame world, reflected my RP to a more positive style, and some of you have seen it and given me positive feedback that they like the new me, and that really warms my heart... Some of you hate me, some of you don't, however i am who i am, and that is not gonna change, but i am starting to enjoy my time on the server, and the last week or two i've had so much fun trolling the cops and basicly just having a good laugh So i would like to say that my raging time is over, no more rage, and for thoose of you who will try to get me to rage, if i sence that i will do the better thing and just log off.. Cause i really have no time for kids that want's to get other people mad just so they can have a good laugh of it... I've been the person people have been laughing and made fun of for to long Thanks to thoose who have been there with me and given me support, you guys have made it so that i actually look forward to log on and play with you guys, either it's on civ vs you on cop or the other way around SO thank to you all, you guys know who you are...
  12. so when are we gonna get access to the APD forum???
  13. Sad to see you leave Danny, i will miss you and i hope that you will return sometime </3
  14. Best of wishes to you Fugi, good luck and keep in touch brother <3
  15. Sad to see you step down chief D: But you do what you gotta do brother, you will be missed and i am sure that Gary will do a great job :3
  16. I'm sorry for your loss bro, take your time to recover and get on with your personal life and sort out things on a personal level. Olympus aint going nowhere, we'll be waiting on you to come back... my thoughts and prayers goes to you and his family and friends.. <3
  17. You will be missed brother </3
  18. Ghost, sorry to say this, but i am hoping that this is not a goodbye post, and that you will continue to stay awesome and hang out with us <3
  19. yeeessssssn i am not on your list
  20. There is alot of good RP in the APD and i see alot of civs with 1 - 2 mill bounties cry like children when they get caught.. I have heard stuff like, You don't know my name, how can you know who i am and so on.. Dude with a allmost 500 K bounty you are subject to be on the most wanted list so A: we have picture of you on our computers. B: we have all your personal information so that we can relay that to other officers, If you don't wanna get caught then do not do crimes, it is that simple..
  21. This is the APD. Put your hands in the air, drop your pants and lean over, you are a subject for a body search
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