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Everything posted by brodyunderwood1

  1. Like I said, the guys who said no CLEARLY don't know what they're talking about. You have Dustin on your side
  2. *Looks through results of people who said no* "troll here, troll there, dustin's opinion is irrelevant... 2 or 3 total johnson hoppers.... yep probably a shitter"
  3. Welcome back Rogue, good to see you again
  4. the "get REEE*squeak*KKKKTTT" hurt my ears it wasn't personal huskers let him have his moment :P
  5. dying* that is all I have to say
  6. I've found myself in NUMEROUS situations where I wanted the diving goggles on APD, and now I have a valid reason to carry the .45.... well more valid than lethaling derputies. thank you odin
  7. ^ right after civs get the mk1
  8. the classic booboo we all know and love everybody
  9. I payed more attention to the signature than the actual post. +2 lol
  10. If nothing else be sure to return for the occasional smashing on the forums, Ace. You did a lot for this community and it doesn't go unrecognized. I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say we wish you luck in your future endeavors.
  11. by the way guys olympus is back up
  12. how many of your sentences start with "so"
  13. i like. and no there isn't too much bass
  14. you haven't been back long enough to have that many
  15. always have wanted to go to New York city and that'd be the perfect excuse, but gotta say I'm gonna pass on that one Gidgit, sorry bud.
  16. worked BEAUTIFULLY. thanks bud.
  17. It was true for me. at the very lest that makes it.... 0.12% true and yes that is calculated with the number of officers to EVER be on the APD. some of them counted twice so the percentage in reality is higher
  18. haven't tested it yet but i've been having the exact same issue, hope this helps, thanks gidgit.
  19. feels bad man. he got me. like I said, they're already being worked on. Poseidon is a busy guy and has priorities of what he wants to get done first when it comes to the server. Just because the first of a long line of large changes wasn't what you wanted it to be doesn't mean nothing is getting done. You say it would only take a little bit of time, but that is time that could be spent on an issue he sees as being more important. Just because he hasn't fixed what directly affects you yet doesn't mean he's doing nothing, and I'll ask you to keep that in mind before spouting further ignorance.
  20. ethiopia's population: Historical populationYearPop.±% p.a.201182,101,998— 201284,320,987+2.70%201386,613,986+2.72% UN projections[edit] Below are the UN's medium variant projections; numbers are in thousands:[5] 2015: 91,999 2020: 101,046 2025: 109,969 2030: 118,514 2035: 126,392 2040: 133,466 2045: 139,729 2050: 145,187 (smashed) but besides that, don't worry guys, good things are coming.
  21. Am I more active than skeeter yet?

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dustin87


      I love causing drama, its my thing. Kind of how sucking dick for ranks was your thing. Good luck on future adventures skeet.

    3. Rich Homie Quan
    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      There are other things that should be taken into consideration.  A reasonable of playtime activity should suffice.  Roleplay should be top notch.  Leadership skills.  Battle skills.  You do should NOT need be affiliated with any specific gang.  

      And "dick sucking".  I don't think anyone would do that.  It is just pathetic and sad.  I would have rather stayed deputy if that would be the norms for promotion ;) 

  22. less than 3 months earlier...
  23. gotta say. despite the few problems with this update *cough* Sgt Uniforms *cough* (yes ghostface I know you love it), I think we are all SUPER pumped up about the changes that are about to start rolling out and are so happy to see such progress start to be made. Besides that my frames are just as good as they ever were so no problems there on my end.
  24. should I make a topic about allowing me to make topics for every idea that pops into my head?
  25. NOW can we have mk1's for civs? but seriously been real bud, good luck.
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