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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. iPopsicle


    I think he's trying to ask a rhetorical question that only he knows the answer to.
  2. There isn't instant replay with obs. People have used play.tv I believe
  3. That's what I want to do
  4. I use Audio Technica's m50x with a studio mic, but the razer krakens have great voice quality too!
  5. http://www.badgecreator.com/
  6. Yeah there basically just concepts that I threw together, I wanted to see what you guys had to say I might make more and put more time into them.
  7. I've seen that picture before somewhere else...
  8. Yeah just find me on one of the ts's
  9. Thanks guys! I just hate how Arma 3 didn't add a "No HUD" feature so I cant take better screenshots on the server for people. I had to use the Arma 3 editor for these puppies
  10. Feel free to use them! If you would like any kind of Olympus themed desktop background, just ask and I can see what I could create. Hope you like them, I am not the most creative but I needed something for myself so I figured I would share them with the community, please tell me what you think of them! The Kavala one's logo would be blocked by your taskbar if you have it on the bottom, that's the only crappy part about that one.
  11. Making some Olympus themed desktop backgrounds, stay tuned!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle



      @Grandma Gary

      I lied it reached peak dankness

    3. Phizx


      9 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

      I also threw together a cartel candidate.


      Not gonna lie that looks like a fun fight xD

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      18 minutes ago, Phizx said:

      Not gonna lie that looks like a fun fight xD

      I'd have to pull my cord more than once. This could be interesting :Kappa:


  12. Oh man you probably just crushed him.
  13. The font not the person


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jordan540


      I think they fixed it d24655366a8920ce1136a7579f12e81a.png

    3. iPopsicle


      Whoever did that is a true problem solver.

  14. What do you guys think is the most unorthodox weapon at the rebels?

  15. He Means @D3V1L's lettuce
  16. Be aggressive, but not too aggressive. Be passive, but not too passive. Make sure to properly engage or they will submit a ticket on you. Just catch snakes off guard and pay attention to the small snakes because those little shits get me all the time. Good luck, @Frank Castle has inspired me to reach 50k.
  17. Visual overhaul and some equipment has been upgraded to make my steam less ghetto
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