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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. I heard they know a lot about Minecraft, could you confirm that?
  2. You should not get the feedback with the splitter, but do not take my word to the grave. The WiFi is a mere feature that some motherboards don't have (like mine) you can always buy a wireless adapter, but if the Ethernet cable is not that much of a hassle KEEP IT. It will let you use your internet speed's full potential and you will avoid the hassle of setting up the adapter. This was the wireless adapter I used to use https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-N300-Wi-Fi-Adapter-WNA3100/dp/B003G2Z1M6/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1485291216&sr=8-10&keywords=wireless+adapter+for+desktop. For the case's front headphone jack, is it not compatible for your new MOBO because it doesn't have the plug for front audio? Your best bet to double check that would to explore the MOBO's manual. Using the IO that's on your motherboard wouldn't be a problems anyways, right? What I would buy if I needed a splitter: https://www.amazon.com/Headsets-Separate-Headphone-Microphone-Splitter/dp/B00Y458NA6/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1485292598&sr=1-2-spons&keywords=mic+and+audio+splitter&psc=1
  3. Just look up a splitter for the headset problem, yet I do not recommend to use that mic for your computer. You could buy a cheap mic that you place on your desk and it would be a major improvement. As for the mobo I am assuming you have an atx mobo and the case only fits mini atx or vice versa, buying your case would be your best bet and like @Berg02 said it would be best to buy a new case so you can access the io and you can get a case with a front 3.5mm jack for your beats and just make sure you have the case's cables plugged into your motherboard. If I were you, I would buy a gaming headset like http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/product/g430-7-1-surround-sound-gaming-headset Never had them, but there's so many option you could go with. Just to save my ears and everyone else's, don't use your beat's mic to talk to us.
  4. https://www.radioshack.com/products/radioshack-mobile-headset-to-pc-converter?gclid=CKmUhu-529ECFdSFswodCMYGDA
  5. @Pledge @Goodman Throwback
  6. Since my Razer Kraken shit the bed I guess it's time I upgrade my mic for the role play exper:Kappa:ience! 


  7. @Ares Happy Birthday man, here's to one more year to reach your goal of getting banned on every Garry's Mod server!

  8. I'm dead inside if that counts
  9. Guys forget about the new President, today's Friday, lets game until 2am

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'm going to throw a Party! About fucking time Obama leaves the office. I respect Obama as a person and think he is an awesome guy but on the political side of things he almost ran the country into the ground. It's definitely time for some much needed change. 

  10. TheRealKyle, APD Sergeant


  11. If I wore it would my aim get worse?
  12. lol. DO NOT BUY THAT COMPUTER. It has ddr2 memory and only 4gbs of it. Your best bet would be to buy used parts and building the computer yourself. Especially with the tower that computer has it would be difficult to add a graphics card. Even though it's a cheap temporary fix, in the end it would be better if you saved that $130 and put it towards better parts, at least a skylake i3 and a 960. Just never buy a prebuilt computer it's not worth trust. These are the computers my high school had and it could barely run Google Drive, if that helps you at all.
  13. Ill sell you a r9 380x for 200$
  14. I'm live once again living the apd grind
  15. Never trust a fart.

  16. Hey everyone I was forced to make a new twitch and I changed my name, but I wanted to make this into a hobby. I ask that you guys stop by, say hi and not hesitate to make suggestions on how I can make my stream better. I would really appreciate it! http://twitch.tv/itsignis
  17. I had the fx6300. Eh for wasteland and epoch, terrible for altislife
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