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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. https://www.g2a.com/h1z1-king-of-the-kill-early-access-steam-cd-key-global.html Check it out on here might be cheaper idk didn't check. Mow some lawns or walk some dogs and then buy a prepaid card. 20 doesn't take that long to make my man.
  2. Could've used this instead
  3. What did you google to get this picture?
  4. Ignore the stock cooler
  5. I'm just looking to see if people want to play a little its fun when arma needs a break.
  6. CPU: i5 6600k GPU: GTX 1070 RAM: 16gb ddr4 Monitor: BenQ 144hz blah blah blah Other stuff is unimportant. Razer Peripherals.
  7. Welcome to Olympus man
  8. If you got 30 mil you can get a house in server 2 dp24
  9. No.
  10. Doesn't work I tried. Just mention how you were a cop before and such and you'll have to do your interview again and start out as a deputy. The minutes you already have might apply to how long you are a deputy. No promises. But like you did before follow Ares' link and apply.
  11. Alright boys sos. I need a second opinion. Should I upgrade to the 1070 from the 380x?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle


      I'll put in on eBay and send you the link to buy it or something. 

      @I Am Fuzzy I will also be selling a gtx 750 ti 

    3. Moose


      Upgrade ur processor and send me your old one kthx


    4. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      how bout u just give it to me to be nice :)

  12. I voted for vermin supreme back in February. He promises free ponies for everyone. But no joke I voted for him....
  13. Welcome back man! See you around!
  15. Anyone else have a really lengthy Windows update?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JoeL


      I have like 47 that I haven't updated in two years.

    3. RogueMK


      Mine took 15mins but fucked with my settings on my sound card! Reset them all to default! 

    4. Tman15tmb


      Yes, it took like 30-40 minutes for me.

  16. Don't worry he's a doctor! edit, I meant nurse
  17. We got a winner
  18. It's because the recent update
  19. If anyone has any fix let us know please
  20. Sadly it didn't work ugh
  21. I was annoyed by it, this worked. For anyone that agrees here's an easy fix configure -> audio -> set radio to 0 Boom back to normal edit, nvm were all fucked there's no fix
  22. Sound like if there was any change in price it wouldn't be too drastic.
  23. How significant of a nerf was it?
  24. Is there something different with voip?

    1. RogueMK


      no you still sound aids lol

  25. Diving Simulator 2016
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