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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. Dude i'd get down to this, finish forreal.
  2. Gotta love that CSSR vigi abuse. 

    1. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      Same got tazed right after revive then sent to jail and them begged me to be chill with him

    2. Orgondo


      They tazed me, didn't annouce themselves, didn't read charges, didn't actually even talk once to me. And auto sent me to prison

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      So that's how they always hang out in Kavala doing nothing and you see them randomly pull out a Huron.... that's how they make their money... always wondered... ;) 


      Some of them are cool though.  Mark,Colin... just some of them. 

  3. There seriously needs to be a Cancel Medical Request button or something for us to use so we don't have to wait 7 minutes, and currently the only way to cancel the timer is to Alt-F4 which in 90% of situations will get you banned for combat logging. As in today's incident I was lethal'd by a officer, I request R&R, I told R&R not to revive me however if cops were near, few minutes later I said numerous times in side chat that I do not wish to receive medical services anymore. 5 minutes into my timer cops are now swarming my body I again deny medical services in Side. 6 minutes into my 7 minutes timer the R&R member shows up to revive me, again I deny services in Direct chat now that he is in range but he continues anyways and I get revived and tazed, but not before one of the cops get rook'd The point of this button is to prevent what is obviously Meta Reviving for cop purposes. I denied my request numerous times and it lead to me losing my gun, licences and ticket cost.
  5. Big deal, he's a squeak. Not a issue at all. Tough up. He get's harassed, have him take care of it in a appropriate manner. How do you think Pinkstreak feels being one of the few girls on the server? She get's more "Harassment" probably that 90% of the server pop and doesn't post about it. I know i've said my inappropriate share to her lol.
  6. Rust getting ddos'd again?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      It's just flickering on and off now. I'ma kill whoever is doing this shit.

    3. ToeKnee


      people are just mad there base is getting raided

    4. Orgondo


      Yeah, im the one raiding them :P

  7. Thank you Poosiden for some great laughs tonight, was much fun. Betcha can't C4 me again


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitalis


      Yes take what the kids would call a chill pill.

    3. Vitalis
    4. Orgondo


      My passion for Rusterinos is too strong i appologize.

  9. Ughhh the Rust server is still going down randomly. RIP

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Orgondo


      Wasn't the normal scheduled restart.

    3. Brennan


      Thomas, rust isn't arma.

    4. Thomas


      Brennan, arma isn't rust.

  10. What in the hell in wrong with our Rust server...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo
    3. Jackback32


      Who the hell did that

    4. SPBojo


      rumor has it poseidon alt f4'd the database and broke everything.

      jkjk, noone really knows who's doing the ddos.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      not official so not joining

    3. Orgondo


      Look at the forum post boys. 100% legitttt

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      ik im joking ;33

  12. Already on and getting it
  13. More players isn't an issue, i think there's a coding issue with their respawn rates or something. If you get on during the peak times. Absolutely every is complaining of the lack of rocks it's insane. I was on @3am this morning, only me and 4 other guys. I ran around for over an hr and found 1 rock and it was half broken already.
  14. Ok thanks for clearing that up. Yeah that's the time I was unable to connect for awhile. Btw you have an ideas with the Rock Spawn issues currently happening? They went from being everywhere to absolutely no where.
  15. Is the Rust server offline at the moment or what's going on? And just recently tonight I can't even load in all the way I get stuck at "Client Ready" halppp
  16. My school is slowing but surely blocking me from parts of the website. RIP forums

    1. Vitalis


      Same fuck school tbh.

  17. Wowww i love how i can go 5mph and bust all my wheels on any bush now. Or hit a pole with my bumper going 80 and blow up and kill instantly!

    1. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      Hit those little white reflector things on the side of the road and that will send your hatchback sport flying, I think if I hadn't blown up mid-air someone would've Titaned me

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Life Hacks: Stay on the road

  18. Is there a way to know when Wasteland Server is restarting? Kind of tired of unwarned restarts. Halp

    1. Warfare


      If you are referring to a second ago the server crashed. I'm sure Poseidon will put in a way to see when restarts occur.

    2. Poseidon


      There should now be messages to alert you. Server crashed once tho due to an issue with the connection to our database server.

    3. Orgondo


      Alright awesome!

  19. Wasteland comes out as I become a R&R member...the decision..

  20. Oh how i love waking up and reading all the bitching on forums <3

    1. Thomas


      I just bitch about the bitches bitching

  21. Someone make a Tournament ladder for biggest/more popular gangs. KI vs MC. INF vs AAF. Tree vs TS. LOST vs PoTP. BurBan vs (Insert 1 last decent clan)
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