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sleazy turd racoon

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Everything posted by sleazy turd racoon

  1. Should I get the normal or deluxe/gold edition of far cry 5?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      why the fuck would i *buy* a switch or use a switch at all.

    3. -dante-


      7 minutes ago, ikiled said:

      no, just buy a lagswitch for arma 3


    4. Prime


      I got the normal version bc who knows if the dlc's are gonna be shit or not

  2. any LT+ gear? looking for mar 10 aswell
  3. who won?
  4. can anyone link the stream to the gangwars, i never watched it

    1. Ryne


      Go to Sir_PeterLong - channel on twitch and in his videos should be the recent gang wars.


    2. thor
  5. thats one way to get likes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Specify what guns you want.
  7. I feel I should Mention @Corporal Moob for his opinion.
  8. Look, I love you man but you just took this to a whole new level of retard.
  9. get a group together and rob a PO or CPL and you can easily get MXM, Type or MX.
  10. Whatever gidgit did I am sure he wasn't thinking straight, I don't know exactly what happened but gidgit is a good man.
  11. so sometimes when i tab out i freeze so i have to either log out and back in or get to task manager if it allows me to using arma 64, fullscreen window, anyone known a fix
  12. If you like action and shooting check out black sails.
  13. What was your most liked show that you watched or are currently watching
  14. Is it worth getting battlefront 2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eggmasta


      eh, its ok, not worth full price imo

    3. Ryan
    4. Welch


      I would say so, it's pretty exciting and cinematic. The crate system kinda blows but the DLC they released is free & pretty neat.

  15. Want a cookie?
  16. @Homicide so fucking lit
  17. @JAY1HP@MrBoonie Involves a montage hahaha. Made my day
  18. Sign my steam profile later
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