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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Illegal Areas may be patrolled every 15 20 minutes. Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event APD Qilin/Prowlers pulled for use in the Escort Event must have a minimum of 2 occupants. Maximum amount of Qilins/Prowlers APD Officers may utilize in the Escort Event. Small Escort Event - 2 Medium Escort Event - 3 Large Escort Event - 4 @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  2. PSA: Vehicle Airdrop

    When responding to the Vehicle Airdrop Event ensure that you are not taking armed aerial vehicles to pursue the Airdrop Vehicle once it has left the Airdrop Event zone unless it is necessary. Especially when it is only an illegal ground vehicle. As with any event or any situation ensure that you are using a proportionate amount of force. 

    Do not stay around the area of the Airdrop Event without reason. Remaining in the area without reason is considered camping the redzone. 

    Do not stay at HQ or near the Airdrop Event with the intent of pursuing the Airdrop Vehicle when it leaves the Airdrop Event zone. This is considered camping a redzone. 

    Those of you found to be doing any of the aforementioned will face disciplinary action. 

    @APD Member


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      seems like you intentionally cucked yourself with shitty gear + low amount of individuals to participate in the airdrop


      could just be me though

    3. Main


      @ Weaz The airdrop vehicle was not chased at all you failed to mention that. The ifrits you stole were reported stolen so when they entered chop shop we came in on them. Your complaining we ruined the event when we didn't even chase the vehicle, we went after the ifrits who were going to chop shop to be chopped. You guys making a massive deal over losing a few illegal vehicles. If you want to submit on the guy who didn't stop impounding the ghawk right as you shot at him go for it lmfao. You guys have infinite money running around with full loadouts spamming events farming PO's and deputies with rpgs, titans, ieds, then complain when someone with an equal armory wins a fight. 

    4. Venomm


      winters we need to limit the amount of characters you can put in a status update like twitter.

  3. Chapter III - Civilian Interaction Dealing with Vigilantes Civilians with Vigilante License must provide ID upon request. May carry a P07, Sting, .45 ACP, Spar-16 (Sand), Spar-16GL (Sand), Spar-16S (Sand). Chapter XII - Federal Events Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail/Evidence Lockup), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater) Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail/Evidence Lockup, Jail. Active Federal Events If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open. If multiple Federal Events are active the Federal Event with the bomb planted takes priority. APD Dispatch PSA APD Dispatch Rewards APD members responding to dispatches can windows key the player who sent the dispatch Confirmation on the Civilian's part will result in a $50k reward being dispersed to officers in the area APD Officers that respond to APD dispatch requests are now able to windows key the civilian who sent the dispatch. This allows for the civilian to accept a notification that states "File Dispatch Resolution? Accepting will indicate that APD has resolved the situation which was dispatched about." If the civilian accepts this notification the APD Officer that windows key'd the civilian as well as all other APD Officers in the area will receive $50k split between them. This feature is intended as a reward for APD Officers that successfully resolve a dispatch, or have actively attempted to resolve the dispatch to a satisfactory degree which is down to the determination of the dispatch sender. Do not harrass civilians to accept a dispatch reward request. APD Officers found to be abusing the new APD dispatch reward system will face APD disciplinary action. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  4. This would be no different from seeing a suspect leaving an illegal area, it would be your own judgement based on what you saw to determine whether they had left/entered the illegal area. Obviously if you are wrong and they didn't enter/leave the illegal area then you acted upon the believed probable cause you will face disciplinary action.
  5. Chapter II - Use of Force Non-Lethal Force Tasers may be used on a suspect who is armed, evading, resisting arrest, or is clearly part of the situation. Chapter VII - Probable Cause Examples of Probable Cause Officer sees a suspect or vehicle within (or leaving/entering) an illegal area. Chapter XII - Federal Events If 7 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required. If 10 or less officers are online during an Evidence Locker, wave rule is not required. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  6. Chapter XII - Federal Events If 5 7 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required. If 10 or less officers are online during an Evidence Locker, wave rule is not required. Chapter XIX - APD Aircraft[edit] Exception: Ghosthawks are authorized "guns hot" after bomb blows on illegal vehicles (excluding the BlackWater ground vehicle) within the federal event's inner anti-air circle (this includes RnR armored vehicles). @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  7. Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event APD Officers that are involved in an APD Escort Event must continue to participate in the APD Escort Event until the truck reaches the drop-off location or is destroyed. If the APD Escort Event truck is stolen and is taken to Rebel/Warzone/Gang Base (no active skirmish), APD Officers participating in the APD Escort Event may raid Rebel/Warzone/Gang Base (no active skirmish) following standard rules applicable to those areas but without a SGT+ with the sole purpose of recapturing the truck. Chapter XIV - Server Events APD Officers may utilize 3 1 armoured vehicle for the raid. Exception: APD Officers may utilize 3 armoured vehicles for the Vehicle Airdrop raid. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  8. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Warzone raids: Must follow Rebel raid rules. Seven waves maximum per warzone raid. Exception: If civilians flee to WarZone from a Federal Event or a Vehicle Airdrop waves may continue until the situation is resolved. Chapter XII - Federal Events Officers may respawn to Blackwater HQ regardless of how many officers are online if there is an active Blackwater robbery. Chapter XIV - Server Events Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Exception: APD Undercover Officers cannot participate in airdrop raids. APD Officers may utilize 1 3 armoured vehicle for the raid. Gang Base Raids No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Limited to 5 waves Exception: If civilians flee to Gang Base from a Federal Event or a Vehicle Airdrop waves may continue until the situation is resolved. Chapter XVI - APD Undercover FTO Corporal+ may utilize the APD undercover system. A maximum of 2 3 APD undercover officers can conduct operations at a time. APD undercover officers may utilize undercover vehicles. Exception: Undercover aerial vehicles may only be used by APD Undercover Officers and cannot be used for mixed transport with uniformed APD Officers. Before playing APD Undercover read the following post that outlines how the APD Undercover system works. Before playing APD Undercover read the APD Handbook rules for APD Undercover Officers. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XVI_-_APD_Undercover "APD undercover Officers are expected to role-play every situation they encounter. APD Undercover Officers are held to a higher standard of role-play than uniformed APD Officers." APD Officers that fail to follow the APD Undercover rules or abuse the APD Undercover system will face APD disciplinary action. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  9. Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles Illegal Vehicles Any armed vehicle, Ifrit, Strider, Hunter, Taru Bench, Jet Aircraft, Airdrop Vehicles, APD Escort Event Vehicle, Pharmaceutical vehicles and any variants of the Blackfish. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Warzone raid Must follow Rebel raid rules. Five Seven waves maximum per warzone raid. Chapter XIV - Server Events Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Corporal+ Patrol Officer+ must be present for the raid. Corporal+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Deputies/Patrol Officers involved in the raid. Patrol Officers are not to raid the Airdrop without a Corporal+ until the Server Hot Fix is released. Once the Server Hot Fix is released Deputies/Patrol Officers will be able to scroll wheel load lethals (the same as when in WarZone) when inside the Airdrop area. Chapter XV - SWAT SWAT can use a maximum of 6 armoured vehicles per wave. Chapter XVIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools Road Kits Corporal+ can utilize road kits. Road kits cannot be placed during combat to gain a combat advantage. APD Officers cannot excessively place road kits. APD Officers found to be abusing road kits will be subject to disciplinary action. Chapter XIX - APD Aircraft Corporal Orca Corporals can utilize Corporal Orcas for responding to Federal Events, Blue zones, and Banks. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  10. Thank you for pointing that error out. It should be all correct now.
  11. Preface - Application Process and Rank Progression[edit Ranks Patrol Officer Conducts illegal area patrols and mentors deputies Minimum of 1,800 1,200 minutes and 7 days Time in Grade Chapter V - Processing Suspects When processing a suspect follow the L.I.S.T acronym. L - Licenses. Check the suspect for a license I - Inventory. Search the player if you have probable cause S - Seize. Seize any items if you have probable cause. T - Ticket. Tell the suspect his charges and total bounty and ticket them. Suspects may waive their rights to pay tickets and opt to be sent straight to jail. Once waived, the suspect cannot take back these rights. While processing a suspect they may waive their rights verbally or in writing and allow an officer to process them despite any active situations. Once waived, the suspect cannot take back these rights. Suspects may waive their rights to pay tickets and opt to be sent straight to jail. The wanted player must be in a “panic room.” If someone enters the room and starts shooting, processing must stop. A “panic room” is a room with a single closed door. Chapter XIV - Server Events Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave Sergeant+ Corporal+ can call in an Airdrop. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  12. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active Federal Event or Bank. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves. Exception: An active Bank. Chapter XI - Blue Zones1 The APD Escort Event, Bank, Art Gallery & Pharmaceutical Robbery are Blue Zones. APD Officers responding to an active Bank, Art Gallery Robbery or a Pharmaceutical Robbery must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
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  13. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Black Market Raids: Black Markets can be captured regardless of the area being clear. Once a Black Market has been called clear the APD can unseal/seize the contraband box. Once the contraband box has started to be unsealed/seized the APD do not have to stop unsealing/seizing if the area is no longer clear. Exception: If the APD Officer unsealing/seizing the contraband box is killed the area must be called clear again to reinitiate the unsealing/seizing process. Chapter XIV - Server Events Airdrop raids: Airdrops can be called clear after a minimum of 2 minutes and be seized by the APD. Once the Airdrop has started to be seized APD do not have to stop seizing if the area is no longer clear. Exception: If the APD Officer seizing the Airdrop is killed the area must be called clear again to reinitiate the seizing process. Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft Hummingbird If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message to land/park the vehicle. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns. Exception: A PO hummingbird only requires the directive of a Patrol Officer or higher to use the guns. If an APD hummingbird enters an area of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text, upon the direction of a corporal or higher. Exception: A PO hummingbird only requires the directive of a Patrol Officer or higher. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
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  14. Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles Illegal Vehicles Any armed vehicle, Ifrit, Strider, Hunter, Taru Bench, Jet Aircraft, APD Escort Event Vehicle, Pharmaceutical vehicles and any variants of the Blackfish. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active Federal Event or Bank. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves. Exception: An active Bank. Chapter XI - Blue Zones1 The APD Escort Event, Bank, Art Gallery & Pharmaceutical Robbery are Blue Zones. APD Officers responding to an active Bank, Art Gallery Robbery or a Pharmaceutical Robbery must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage. Chapter II - Use of Force High Value Target (HVT) An HVT is defined as an individual with a bounty exceeding 300k, charged with hostage situation, charged with kidnapping a government official or conducting illegal activities in a Zamak+ Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft[edit] Aircraft Patrols - Planes should only be used when responding to an active or impending situation (Planes may not be used to scout the entire map without due reason) Exception: Armed plane patrols may be utilized to engage High Value Targets ($300k+ bounty or in a zamak or larger). The Ghosthawk The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD/R&R Hunters and Striders). Exception: The Pharmaceutical Vehicle and the APD Escort Event Vehicle. APD Ticket Guide Possession of APD Equipment VL $25,500 $25,500 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is in possession of any APD tool (this includes vehicles and gear), or interacts with the inventory of the APD Escort Event Vehicle. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  15. Chapter XIV - Server Events[edit] Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Corporal+ must be present for the raid. Sergeant+ can call in an Airdrop. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers. May only lethal individuals within the airdrop. APD Officers may not utilize Armed Aerial vehicles for the raid. APD Officers may utilize 1 armoured vehicle for the raid. APD Officers can respond dark or code 3 to the zone. No RP is required to engage civs that are participating in the Airdrop Event. Airdrops can be called clear after a minimum of 2 minutes and be seized by the APD. Once the Airdrop has started to be seized APD do not have to stop seizing if the area is no longer clear. Corporal+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Deputies/Patrol Officers involved in the raid. Gang Base Raids (Server Rules Chapter 23) No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Limited to 5 waves Active Skirmish APD cannot raid the gang base Exception: If the APD is actively pursuing a suspect they may enter the active skirmish for 1 wave but may only attempt to apprehend/neutralize the pursued suspect If fired upon by another group of civilians the APD may return fire APD cannot request first wave backup APD cannot utilize armed aerial vehicles Exception: If the APD has actively pursued a suspect they may utilize the guns in an attempt to neutralize the suspect following standard armed aerial vehicle engagement rules however cannot return fire on any other civilian(s) that may fire upon the armed aerial vehicle Conquest Raids: Only SWAT has the ability to conduct Conquest Raids. (SWAT Rules) Exception: Non-SWAT APD members may pursue a suspect into the zone and call first wave backup, but may only open fire upon the fleeing suspects and other civilians directly aggressing officers and may not return for a second wave. APD Officers may not camp areas solely to stop or arrest conquest participants (including, but not limited to, the nearest city/rebel/sheds) Chapter XIV - Server Events is information that was already in the APD Handbook or the Server rules moved into one chapter of the APD Handbook for easy access. Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft[edit] Recon Aerial Vehicle Patrol - The Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. May not directly engage ground units. May not prohibit aerial vehicles from ascending PSA: SWAT Backpacks SWAT backpacks may only be utilized by regular APD Officers when they are whitelisted SWAT members. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  16. Chapter XII - Federal Events Active duty SAPD can authorize Deputy/Patrol Officer lethals at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  17. To clarify, "Example: A civilian that is engaged with the APD that has clearly pointed an explosive launcher at the ghosthawk." You would need to be engaged with the civ prior to them pointing an explosive launcher at the Ghosthawk. You would NOT be able to witness a civ that you are not engaged with aim an explosive launcher at you and then engage them to gun them down. They would have to be engaged in some form first and then point the explosive launcher at you.
  18. APD PSA

    Ensure that when you are using the armed jeep you are using the appropriate engagement text.

    "This is the APD Armed Jeep, Land/Stay Landed/Park and Surrender or be fired upon by the APD. Any hostile action towards the Armed Jeep will be met with lethal force. You have 5 seconds to comply!"

    This can be found in the desciption of all APD Channels. 

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

    1. bummm
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      winters bro come on i just sold a few tasers back in the day im a reformed man unblacklist me man ill be perm dep idec

  19. Preface - Application Process and Rank Progression Ranks Captain Responsible for a section of the APD Appointed by the Chief and Deputy Chiefs Chapter XV - APD Undercover SGT+ FTO+ may utilize the APD undercover system. Chapter XVII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools APD officers can utilize heli crew helmets when piloting/co-piloting helicopters. Exception: SGT+ APD officers can utilize the basic helmet for Federal Events. Exception: SGT+ APD officers can utilize skate helemts when conducting quadbike patrols. Exception: SGT+ Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft The Ghosthawk If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a red zone) Example: A civilian that is engaged with the APD that has clearly pointed an explosive launcher at the ghosthawk. Example: A civilian that has clearly pointed an explosive launcher at the Ghosthawk in a red zone. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  20. Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft Hummingbird Patrol officers can utilize 1 PO hummingbird on the server at a time. Exception: Cannot raid redzones without probable cause. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XVIII_-_APD_Aircraft @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
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  21. Chapter III - Civilian Interaction Unarmed/weapon holstered civilians that are engaged with the APD can be restrained if tackle is said prior to restraining. Exception: APD officers that have been unrestrained cannot immediately tackle civilians. Chapter XV - APD Undercover Active Duty SAPD SGT+ may utilize the APD undercover system. Before using APD Undercover ensure that you read the following information: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=APD_Handbook#Chapter_XV_-_APD_Undercover @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
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