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Everything posted by Theak

  1. (If this is ok cool if not delete) Code4gaming king of the hill I reccomend server 4 We just dropped v12 with alot of cool features. I've seen almost every major gang on the servers there either warming up to fight cartels or just enjoying some good ol combat. I saw to big gangs join different teams and go at it in kahala. It was epic. Need double xp codes or my advice on the best settings (example: try saturation set to 150) let me know.
  2. Wow, another one leaving to some bs. (i mean ive never seen anyone get demoted and promoted like you bud.) Did they get a nice what.. 3 day ban for vdming.... and Olympus lost another player who actually put themselves into the server... trolls and broken game rules win again. So what were you guys supposed to do there? let them keep vdming until.... they left with the loot? (failed rp.. situation compromised, send'em) This is why when its the last man (deputy) standing every single person will purposefully try to not kill that one deputy to prolong the next wave. they will try to break his legs, or do anything else to make the deputy what.. push into his death anyway????!!! this needs to be fixed. When they show signs of purposefully not killing the last man standing (deputy) or not doing the fed correctly (by following the rules) a new wave should be allowed to start anyway. Id be curious to the rest of the story, and how many units of time till this gets fixed. xd (i would like constructive and positive feedback on what is the proper thing to do would be, what the last man standing (deputy) should do when this happens. re-spawning would be combat logging tec. so ... just take it? no lube?) Man i had fun playing with you when i randomly did bud. Catching you on civ and hearing your own soundboard of you ... to you... golden.. i think we had thee entire police force in there in that video i uploaded buahahah. Great times!https://youtu.be/irViVPh9pvY
  3. So the r&r have to value their equipment or get a ban (xd) but the apd can leave 35 scattered cars all over kavala? ( thats a big reason for the lag in kavala is abandoned cars) I was around when the medics would impound everything and it really helped the frames in town. then the medics got nerfed and the apd got an impound buff. now there are all kinds of cars all over and no one... afk medic (waiting for a call in kavala afk same thing) afk cop (waiting to get 3 to 1 or shot in the back same thing) .. no one is impounding them anymore. Whats your guys opinion?
  4. Deny all revives in kavala all weekend to show support to mav. lol any medic that revives taze and bring them to the apd for immediate jail sentencing for failed rp. (make sure you engage properly and deny them correctly) the 17.5 button mash is to be blockaded in a peaceful demonstration. xd
  5. I think MAV should get to have the civs he saves vote on this. (but why would we want to go back) He was acting only to try to help someone, and he gets blacklisted over it. ( how many hummingbirds did you have in your garage 1..5...10.. i dont see how the old rule applies anymore, it needs to be rewritten. This shows any other medic to just stay in kavala and dont ever risk a thing for a civ, dont try to team play role play. He used his knowledge to go above and beyond to help this guy and he got punished for it. i disagree with how this was handled. I have many many MANY videos of high ranking medics crashing into eachother, me, other civs and blowing stuff up. i was going to wait to do the medic videos last. i have terabits, but now just might put off uploading the random apd videos to add to the ridiculousness of this. i think i will go through them and clip some times were equipment was disregarded by sr medics. I get there are rules, but this is a light rp server that is having a very rough time with all the negativity and backlash with the changes. I see trolls that get away with using glitches to lure medics to take them hostage but a medic willing to loss a heli to save a civs and his loadout gets blacklisted. It seems people are getting upset and then introuble for having emotions. The time that gets put in means nothing? So then is the time worth even investing into a faction that would so easily turn on a good medic because of one disagreement. WINDOWS KEY AND SHUT UP MAV buahahahah you were always hustling to help people and did not do it for the money. i guess you can be a civ and get all the other medics richer lol. I like playing medic when i do. i take breaks, i left once due to things i didnt agree with and then came back to loose it to 'inactivity' when the hours got bumped up and i was unaware and not told. rl stuff happens Its a game, to have fun, not court, not the army i see no harm in what he did to help the civ, however the attitude could have been better on all ends. i get that
  6. nice alot of good ones here guys. i like helping people, dont get me wrong i rob the shit out of people who know what their doing, but i help the new guys. no point in robing them, let them get nice a fat with cash and good with a gun. let who ever dies have a worthy and Honorable death... o this is arma... ok whoever dies get all the stuff then lol buahahah I fly alot, never did the taxi role, but do give people rides often or a fak or kit. i like seeing someone pull over to help someone with a 'flat tire' in staid of just hands up or die pew pew. Feds are always fun until you get a shit gang to try to roach just to roach. i miss the good ol days when it was mainly rebels against cops at feds, people would come to help just to kill cops. and it wasnt just fighting on warzone we had fights EVERYWHERE. battles could happen at a titans notice lol. shoot i remember we had a war going on near copper mine that lasted 2 restarts, it was fucking insane. [mc] sacrificial cave was kept safe that day, it was bloody, it was messy, but thats just how we liked it.
  7. ya was misinformed, my mistuke i didn't know it was all set up, it does look bad, which or without all the context, which most people wont have. lol
  8. They tried that, it was chaos, In fact I know a few people who quit playing when they unpermed a few people who immediately (few weeks) showed they need to remain permed. I took a good break then too because of that actually. It's only a forever perm if you were doing something like hacking. They do still unperm people. Some people they let back with no income or no atm ability I think. Some had different restrictions
  9. I am curious as to why you play Olympus? What do you like about it what do you dislike about it? (don't just flame on how shits broken come with a solution or just say what you dont like.) Do you like to rp as a cop, or as a rebel in organized crime, or how about reviving people so they can continue to enjoy playing? What about the people in the behind the curtains; the dev, admins, mods, owner? Do you guys enjoy making new things for others to enjoy, do you like removing people that can't follow rules and ruin others play time? Maybe you just like having a place your friends can come together to do fun stuff. Do you do it just for the funds? Do the people who donate get to dictate the changes? Iis this a pay to play server? (or pay to play the way you want) I'm actually curious. civ/gang/medic/cop life whats your angle. how do you have fun. Do you troll to have fun? What about getting on only to rob new players? Do you play because other games don't fulfill your deepest darkest desires in video gaming realm? [not a slam, just curious as to whom actually plays Olympus to play Olympus no just to unloads their prepubescence rage at.]
  10. So hold on... you guys are paying to troll him and its staged? I didnt say bully. Trolling a troll is still trolling. Logic And sure if theres some back door arrangement going on its w.e. but 99% of the other Olympus players see this toxic behavior being embraceable are regurgitating the acts. I get on often but sure I take breaks. I disagree with some of the changes and get discouraged from wanting to get on. Slowly the light rp aspect is being sucked out of the server. As for funding, I know Olympus is golden on funds but then why are we even considering removing quilins then,,, if we can afford to upgrade the servers with all this extra revinue... maybe hire another dev/ pay jessie to be able to more active. I've got nothing against you, just this attitude making this type of behavior ok. It's the people who have been around awhile and are bord with Olympus that dont realize they have kids looking up to their actions and seeing that this is ok. But let's ban punctuation in t.s. and remove a main civ vech. Not remove the trolls and upgrade hardware.... I help alot of people on here and am not a toxic player. I try to have fun. Ya know thee original purpose here. I can koth all day long, Olympus cant compete with koth style gameplay. Unskilled players join Olympus to potato camp and roch fight cartels. then skilled players talk trash about how the unskilled players got owned making them realized cartels are pointless if you just camp drug dealer or proc. Koth players get on to wreck shit and show off their skill. ( yes trolls exist here too) I have seen alot of the major gangs fighting on koth saying that it's not worth it to fight on Olympus and they are correct. Also it's his stream, he can say what he wants. It's your money do what you want. Freedom of speech is an American contract between its people, until it restricts or oppresses another persons free speech. Still makes you guys look silly and it makes the community look like trash. People that give a shit, that put in time everyday, are starting to not give a fuck because of this toxic crap. also ya he says i don't like your tone to the youngins that..say ... i have a question no im 16 and have a real qestion.. im getting a new car an ifrit or stider... spams loud rasist bs.... ya he should be cautions and you can hear it in the feebal atems.. voices shaking so nevous. its like its his first time putting it in... buahahahahaha xd
  11. It's like paying for sex. Some people can get it, some people have to pay for it. Hey you guys want attention I get it, your lonly, sad, and scared of what everyone else thinks. It's normal, paying to troll buahahah sad times. With the excuse of o no he gets lots of attention and we paid him.... go fuck your sister or cuz and post that at least it would be a show. She will have a bigger dick than most of you but your on the receiving end so your dick sizes should be irrelevent. Not aimed at anyone in particular it's just a sad display and a bad example for others to follow. And they eat it all up, o look these guys are losers like me with mommy and day issues too! Let's spam hate speech and the n word because that's how we impress our other loser trolls. I even linked something for you to show relevance bud When this guy is telling you life lessons on being a decent person you know you are shit lol bauahaha. And he's right I agree 100 percent.
  12. So people donated to be a raisist 12 yr old to this guy? Wow talk about waste of time and space, donate to Olympus it needs the support. Why waste 100 ruining some guys podcast thing? You are just proving that olympus is just as toxic if not worse now than asylum. How many asylum players would troll this guy? No they troll on Olympus. Why not have all the Olympus trolls go to asylum to troll instaid of making Olympus look like a bunch of trash balls. Show some respect kids.. o they got banned from asylum for trolling, figures.
  13. I was wondering but I saw it said all quillans and all prowlers will be taken from the garages and comped. They cause to many frames issues for the server. Apex vech in general. I cant find were it said that now. But it would be asinine to remove the civ quilans but leave the armed ones. And good luck on the sale
  14. better hurry and sell before they all get wiped
  15. With quilins going out the door you should make alot of moneys
  16. What's the news about Poseidon. Heard he got permed for selling the framework to asylum after to took a job there. Just curious. I ran into him and toe knee on koth the other day.
  17. Didnt really work on they memegenerater server for psynetwork. I could see keeping deputies there to gain rp exp. Maybe have a work relieve area by salt flates. Have deputies escort them to the event durby area to manufacture parts or something.
  18. It's not even 8 am yet and I'm out of likes to give.

    Sorry no more faks to give.

    Do you have a spare fak?

  19. MC or die Pretty simple xd
  20. Did you submit a comp request? Also the correct answer is 12 units.
  21. If an officer sends you a text saying that you are on body cam, you don't need to get defensive and break rp calling the officer nasty names, just knock off what ever you were doing. im not getting baited bud you can learn that the hard way with your 3 years of exp you should know better... lol buahahah trolls... another one down and another one down. another one bites the dust.
    Sure some rules have changed but trolling is trolling.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theak


      ya a bit lol ... i walked away and let him continue to try to troll other deputies...

      feck i forgot how cancer being in the apd can be buauahhaha xd

    3. Slumberjack


      lol cop can be a lot sometimes :ph34r::bender-dance:

    4. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      @Theak You should have told Kayle Lake 



      @Kyle Lake <--- Mr. Bans on the spot

  22. can you attach a rope to object... and if not can we make that a thing.
  23. lol i saw these guys doing this i think. a gliched out atv keep killing us and then we got rdmed ya so now you can rob the gastation anywere yaaaa lol
  24. Another one of the greats setting down their rifle. Code 0, salute Get your priorities straight and maybe we will see you around in the winter eh. Take it easy
  25. edited. talking to you now :)

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