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About Raine

  • Birthday April 1

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Raine's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. ReindeerKitten sends his regards, o7
  2. Just ban evade, did it after my perm in like 2014 and never got caught Lmao.
  3. Always weird thinking back to those days being 15 with reindeer kitten and you, could fit all of Tree in two little birds and had the most fun I’ve ever had in a video games. -Bacardi
  4. Logged onto the server for the first time in roughly 3 years and didn’t recognize a single name😔

  5. God at least I got away with a couple mil
  6. Everyone wanna play the casino, but nobody wanna yolo options like wsb😪

  7. Anyone had any contact with @Conan @Ricky Spanish or Trenton the god lately? I miss my Kavala Valet Service bois and the good memories of our shenanigans & not caring about shit😢

  8. Haven’t played in roughly 3 1/2 years, How’s the server/players these days?

    1. Rossco


      Dying game, lower player base, somewhat fun

    2. Raine


      Just what I feared, guess I’ll hop on and have some fun for a couple times here soon.

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. Raine


      Thanks man, check your messages!

  10. Love popping in and seeing what’s going on and holy fuck a lot has changed

    1. Ryan


      Miss you homie

      @Creepy Drained the gang funds we cant yoink it anymore 😞 

    2. Raine


      One day I’ll make a come back just like I do every 2 or so years lol

      Classic BW 

  11. Im pretty sure thats not me because I disapeared for 6 months but im sorry Ill repay you if you'd like </3 I meant the picture on Toastys Signature my fault yeah I was convinced to run with the money by others im sorry guys ill be happy to return it
  12. bought PUBG this morning got my first win just now solo not bad

    1. OlympusAccount


      Yeah, it's not nearly as hard as I hoped, I've only gotten to #6 so far though ;c

      thought* not hoped

  13. April Donation Reward update wya I wanna get some kidney's

  14. Bout to do soooo much oil again and buy god teir 0 craters

    1. Brennan


      New callout confirmed. 

    2. Raine


      aye I've always wanted to have a call out known by olympus players that I made

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