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Everything posted by Aress

  1. As of today i will no longer be a Admin for Olympus. I will be focusing more on the APD. It has been a great pleasure being part of the staff here.
  2. fixed the title
  3. This is hopefuly not our APD

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. wrice4


      That was some good RP

    3. theycallmepaw


      ive heard the word boy before and about bubba and such that cop may or may not fit in lol

    4. Watermelone


      Is this the new update? Those graphics are amazing

  4. Right if you have evidence he did, then send it in. If not the please shut up and let the guy part ways. This is not the reason we have a forum so you can bitch and moan (oh you did this. well you did that) This is not the place for that. Video or it never happened. If you CANNOT play nice i will just lock the thread.
  5. try loggin back into the game a kick is jst a kick. If it was a ban it would look something like this Reason for ban - Name of player - [Mod/Admin who issued it] Length of ban (ie RDM - Hamofmoose - [Ares] 4 Days)
  6. We have decided to keep working on cops being less of bounty hunters. I notice that a lot of cops will tilde key someone that is standing in the square and scream "He's wanted lets go arrest him!!". So the RP I want people to start working on is probable cause. What I mean by that is if someone is wanted for 300k and standing in kavala square not doing anything...at all. You can't just tilde key their name and go arrest them. Why you ask? Because this is an RP server, you have no idea what his name is, so how would you know that he is wanted. Yes it is just a game and obviously peoples names are above their heads, but I want to see people who strive for RP because it make the game more fun for everyone. Less robocop more RP. With all of this said this is NOT a new rule you HAVE to listen to. This is something I am asking from everyone to RP more. If you have any questions about it ask any of the Senior APD.
  7. Yea thought it might be time to finally get a house

    1. Papamunski


      what were you doin on koth shooting me ya dirty bugga haha

    2. The Gent

      The Gent

      Yeah, Papa, talk about RDM or what!?

    3. Big Bad Adam

      Big Bad Adam

      Wasteland* bitch not Wastelands

  9. Errm im English so not a freaking clue what this is. So i bet 500k on either who ever wins
  10. gigabyte gtx 960 g1 gaming http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Gaming-Graphics-GV-N960G1-GAMING-2GD/dp/B00SD9KZCI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422303117&sr=8-1&keywords=gigabyte+gtx+960+g1+gaming&pebp=1422303120184&peasin=B00SD9KZCI
  11. Thanks guys. Thanks for the gift fedot makes me feel even older now.
  12. I can bow down to the almighty again. Woot
  13. Virus - Hacker Ace - Mr Serious Gary - Pilot Krotos - Shots Any Deputy - see if he gets killed
  14. should already be done
  15. *Blush*
  16. Ok so i have just had a look and i have found a whole one ticket submitted by you under that name/player Id. If you would like to pm me the tickets to the other 9 i would highly appreciate it. I have also processed the ticket i have found but cannot take action again the person because you need video evidence for RDM not ScreenShots. If you would like to see what evidence you need in what circumstance please use this link http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/1000-olympus-player-report-format/ If you just want the answer pasted here then here you go. Need at least 5 minutes before the situation in the video. This is so we can see if in fact any RP was done or not. Video must not be edited such as multiple mini clips Volume must be heard. If voices are missing then it will be denied The whole situation must be recorded allowing us to see everything that happened. Video must be clear, if names or chat are unreadable it will not be accepted The video must be uploaded to youtube or another service and a link to it included in the ticket If submitting for cases of combat logging a screenshot can work as long as it has the following... The screenshot must show the player being downed, restrained and disconnecting all within 1 screenshot If this can't be shown in a screenshot then video is the next best option but must show the same information. If logging after death, the death message and the DC must be shown in 1 screenshot. For all other types of reports video proof is needed and must follow the same guidelines as RDM/VDM recordings. Be sure to leave the videos up as we may need them for reference if an appeal is made. If the video is removed and a player appeals a ban, there ban may be removed due to the proof no longer being listed. Now that is the proper instructions on how to submit the correct information we need to process someone, I would like to now answer a question or yours. Admins/Developers are real people to, we have day/night jobs or in some cases both (me), it may take us a while to process tickets due to the fact we may not be in our house or have the ability to do so at work but be rest assured we will get the ticket done at some point in time. As for ingame for a admin/developer we do in fact like to play the game for the short time available, we are sometimes under different names or under our [OS] tagged names. If you think that we should not play the game and just do our admin duty's then you are very much mistaken and in truth we would rather you find another server where in most cases it will be the same or try and make your own server. As for that I would like you to have a nice day. If i see you in game ill say hi if I dont i wont come looking for you. Thank you
  17. Read through the post and cannot remeber what the starting question is so for that and it is turning into a bitch fest i will be locking this thread
  18. Im just to powerful for you
  19. Come join me on Stream at Twitch.tv/thestrawberet

    1. SPBojo


      why is the stream off mister? did you give up? :)

    2. James Fisher
    3. James Fisher
  20. Getting ready for a 24 hour livestream. Gotta get that coffee :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wrice4


      I don't remember when I even had 5 hours of free time, in one sitting....lol

    3. Dustin87


      ^ same i cant even do drugs because as soon as i sit down i have to go do something else

    4. Billcosbywarfare


      Good luck staying awake you will need more than coffee!

  21. From personal experience with your self i can safely say you did not buy your way into the P.O rank on the APD you earnt it though good rp knowing the rules and being a chill dude. The donations to the server is much welcome and we have many thanks to you and anyone that donates to keep the servers up and Posiedon with enough coffee to keep him creating new content. Thank you
  22. Locking this thread. If you want to talk about this situation please find me in teamspeak if not wait until the ticketing system is back up Thank you have a nice day Ares
  23. When the ticketing system is back up please put in a ban appeal. Attach the video for evidence. The system should be up soon. Thank you Ares
  24. Bassicly what snake is trying to point out. We do try to do full scale redeployments (Server wide) when we are free to do them, as we are busy looking after 309 Cops at the moment of time writing this, it is not always appropriate to do such things because we are either busy doing administration work inside the APD (which takes a while) or busy with IRL issues such as work or family. As of this we do ask corporals to watch over and show the initiative to move the cop force into each town equally (if possible). If you feel like there are not enough cops on lets say server 1 in Athira but there's alot in server 1 Kavala or any other server, like i say your voice is your first weapon, ask for help people are in most cases willing to help unless there are busy at that moment of time. If you would like any further questions answered please find me in Teamspeak i will be happy to talk to you. Thank you.
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