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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. What can the houses be used for?
  2. Remove the staff and leave it to Rusty

  3. Dude wtf this is why I haven't been on thought the summer annoying kids would be gone
  4. Remove the APD role and leave it to the vigis!

  5. Ok but he didn't say oh remove Tanoa and add CQC if u didn't know right now The servers are 1200
  6. Ok how about this we make it to 50% we get the pilot helmets added and everyone will be Gucci , except all these Kavala scats and little kids that want go karts

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Not Important
    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Im not a kid, and I dont sit in kalava, I scat here and there. And like I said you can get better helmets now. You call me a kid, but you want a helmet for a part of your costume, so you can look "cool". Gtfo. 

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Ok well I dont really give a shit I'm always looking around any way, I dont need full screen night Vision to kill people at night, its called the ALT key... 

  7. Lvl 35 u get mk1
  8. No cuz of lag
  9. Yeah I was told by someone that is a staff member it's becuz other Arma services or what ever aren't that good
  10. Ok right now the payment is 1200 a month unless they take down Tanoa then ok
  11. Ok so sense the posts that I made b4 was locked can someone tell me what a live scan is?

  12. Hey muth have the texture for hellcats been fixed for Medic I've been busy so I haven't been able to check
  13. What u think it's free how about u pay for it?
  14. Ive seen a couple medics not know how to press Windows key so I wanna have a class where I teach medics how to press Windows keys and how to ninja revive also I will teach how to drive all FREE!!
  15. On this server yes . But only cops not Civs or medics unless the medic is killed within the rules
  16. BlackJack


    Hey just read the rules and u will be gold .
  17. Does "Hands up or die" work in the real world?

    1. RubberDuck


      I mean I was a the local drug dealer near my house and next thing you know, " Hands up or be tazed by the APD!". Next thing I know I'm down at the local HQ being hit with charges left and right. Overall, be optimistic as one would say, give it a go. 

    2. BlackJack


      Noice Ima try it out brb

  18. Depends some servers do that .
  19. Half way through the month but the donation goal ain't even half way smh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Augustus


      C'mon guys, it's go karts. Kavala Space Program for everyone :]

    3. BlackJack


      @7om no defibs than all my medic work would be a waste and I would just quit if they were to do that that would be fucking disgrace of a server .

    4. RubberDuck
  20. Inb4 Goodman posts his spreadsheet
  21. @Fat Clemenza finally filled out my first CHP 180 took me a while .

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Your car got stolen? Sorry to hear, man. 

    2. BlackJack


      @Fat Clemenza lol no man I'm taking the Jarupa Valley explorer program and I got to fill one out today and on the 23rd of August I think it is I'm gonna get the chance to basically work a Check point 

    3. BlackJack


      @Fat Clemenza And I am also doing the Background packet this thing takes a good while to fill everything out .

  22. Did they seize his ifrit ?
  23. Was the person in the ifrit Co1t?
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