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Everything posted by Koko

  1. I'm on vacation and my mother said there were baby turtles in the river.  I look in the river and there's an alligator looking back at me.  Don't think those baby turtles are there anymore...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TotalLegitREMIX


      A turtle is a little small for a gator.

    3. SPBojo


      I Like Turtles.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      If they got disintegrated by the crocodile then the turles are not going to be valued at about $6,500 like they usually are :(.  

  2. I'm a gorilla... Who speaks sign language. And those who have talked to me, know I'm learning sign language...
  3. I use reduced tickets like I would train a dog. Dog doesn't bark at the postman --> gets a treat. Rebel doesn't yell at me and call me a bitch, whore, fag, etc. --> Gets a smile and a reduced ticket. Also role play, that's usually good.
  4. I think medics should be allowed in cartels. But no on cops... It's because I like the money the cartels are so accessibly like any other redzone.
  5. I suggest everyone keep their cars unlocked to allow medics to help you once you crash into that pebble going 5kph.

    1. ComradeGoonie


      I swear if I find one more car unlocked. Thr will be repercussions! :D

      Meant one more car locked.....HA! First hand evidence that locked cars are getting to me. I can't use de engrishe languyuagey!

    2. Fedot



  6. Sadly this is only Sale Players, so server 3 will be kinda useless pretty soon.
  7. The thing is, I've been harassed, but not in a way like, "your gahy." In a way that has to do with my gender and very consistently creepy. It was dealt with, but I feel like my vote is different than everyone else's. Not to lessen what other's feel, but I'd like others to consider this when voting. Is your harassment really a problem?
  8. UUUUM it would be AN faggot admin
  9. 76561198059617092
  10. I didn't talk to you much, but when I did you were a great person. Sad to see you go. Make sure to come back and visit!
  11. Then you need to start with yourself Teddy because you complain and bitch all the time. Then you wonder why people don't like you! Every time I talk to you all I hear is, "he owes me a comp" "you're breaking a rule!" I don't think I've held RP with you for more than 20 minutes!
  12. Teddy, maybe you didn't see the part where he made fun of BooBoo about his friend dying. He could be your mother for all I care, you should realize what he said and how awful it was. I don't care about MCPD or MC in general, but fuck if you think that man deserves anything but shame and a match to his personal belongings. You're almost as bad as him. I think what Gary and everyone else said was NOTHING compared to what he should have gotten. And I now have a respect for BooBoo that I haven't felt before. He handled it in a way that made me smile. So maybe instead of complaining about your poor friend's feelings, you should- pray for BooBoo's friend and his family. shove your head so far in a hole that we can't hear you bitch all the time. sow your mouth shut because we are all tired of the bullshit that flows out your mouth. fuck off. Pick one. ~Koko
  13. You don't have to leave. But hearing it from me won't help
  14. CCCC: 4 DD20: 6 PB: 969
  15. Sunday at 6pm. So tomorrow http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5772-pigs-in-the-fed/#comment-58052
  16. Moob is making me say something supportive even though I have no idea who you are. SOMETHING SUPPORTIVE ~~~~~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ~~~~ other annoying things (in comic sans because I'm a bitch)
  17. Turns out cupcakes remove half of your water. Thus, eating two cupcakes will remove 50 water each... at the same time. You will sit at zero water until you naturally lose water and then die. So maybe that's a bug. Or maybe diabetes acts very quickly.
  18. Can't message you. Find me somehow. 

  19. I'll just watch this for 5 min- OOOOOO IT JUST KEEPS GETTING MORE CRAZY....
  20. I just got back from the hospital after having chest pains and difficulty breathing. So now I get to wear wires on my chest for 24 hours! Woo!
  21. 4 hour drive, and I'll be home. Things went shitty

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