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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. go cry about it on the forums i said

  2. Happy bday my ocifer quack @Egnazio miss you budd

  3. you trying to pull the trucks and titan the ghosthawks
  4. Plague are looking for OS to buy us titans and pay for trucks
  5. someone @ this kid so we can flame him
  6. i mean i got some merch in my mystery pack
  7. buying your virginity rocks merch tbh
  8. This is even more cringe than the Proud & Savage twins.. change my mind
  9. its fine the number of owners this server has had, and is still up and running and slowly improving.
  10. Just because a few staff members step down, doesn't mean anything, people come and go.. if they actually had to go (they could've been simply laid off for being inactive as well..) I can say for the 4 years i've been here on/off, server is not dying, but the game is slowly losing interest, but it is still poppin as OS servers are always maxed. I can say Arma 3 will eventually die in a year or 2, but @Ares said he has plans for keeping OS running for a while in his post!
  11. HyperGoat


    o7 dude, the only man who saw the actual problems! <3 gl bud on the life
  12. Plague Gods and Prime Boys
  13. who got div 2? fressh start

    1. Mighty


      I've been casually playing and not rushing it. Great game!

  14. easy win for the PLAGUE GODS, go boys ill be cheering from work @Zurph pop off.
  15. I love you for this, I've always wanted OS to grow outside Arma 3 as it will die someday.
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