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Senior SWAT
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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. o7 Peter, Goodluck in your life. thank you for those life tips and deep talks. Hope to see you around
  2. I see 3x Gangwars winner @Excision that kids nuts
  3. Me and @Luke Duke are wanting to start a ESEA Open team, PM if interested. Just to scrim and play and well see for Season 31...

    1. Pledge
    2. Tb:)
    3. xanx


      i mean im rank 9 atm but im EU so there's no way I could join cuz ping would fuck me up and Im washed aswell, didn't play csgo in months

      but gl roleplayers

  4. you like rock?
  5. whats that movie called?
  6. for a friend give him the follow

  7. 7m for the 3 crate dp23
  8. Whos trying to start an ESEA CS team, you have to be full dedicated

  9. this is what I see when I have sleep paralysis 


  10. would you suck your dads dick or let your mom die?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mercury



      would you suck your dads dick or let your mom die?

      I would do neither, problem solved. Seeing as they aren't connected in the slightest way.

    3. Edge


      2 hours ago, communistjosh said:

      @Edge What if you have to do it to survive?

      Kill myself 

    4. Millennium


      4 hours ago, Edge said:

      Let them both die. I not sucking dick for no one.

      what if you got offered several pounds of weed for it

  11. Some advice for people who want to be considered for promotions: Miss out on school/work and play 80 hrs a week like @last


  12. Even if im averaging 12 viewers/stream Im about to drop a stream schedule of mostly Apex Legends and FPS games go follow ty

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drippp


      Nokia looks like a dyke hahahha

    3. Bloodmoon


      10 minutes ago, Kamikaze said:

      those 2 "rats" got more kills than you



    4. NokiaStrong




      Tbh I shouldn’t have soooo toxic. But when you wake up and find that gang mates are permed. and they decided to go out with bang a post your face all over the forums, doesn’t exactly bring happy thoughts

  14. come follow will be doing a CASH giveaway at the end of the week. Make sure you follow!


    1. Evann


      u stil play this shit game what a joke

    2. HyperGoat
    3. Evann
  15. ur actually childish. You say you dont have an ego yikes.
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