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Everything posted by Colt

  1. When you go from 11b10469b083e8715614eba1f5787a8e.png



    Im gonna cry boys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud
    3. codeYeTi


      I work for Spectrum :)

      EDIT: No opinions on olympus-entertainment.com expressed by me necessarily reflect those of Charter / Spectrum.

    4. Orgondo


      Wait until you get fiber one day, you'll jizz violently 

  2. 8 months ago I started having family issues preventing me from playing. I was basically homeless for a good while. What I'm trying to say is we are all human and go through hard challenges in life and some people really need to understand that there is more to life than just gaming all day. But not a day goes by that I think I could've prevented what happened to my family. It is very hard to live with guilt on your mind all day. Some people try and live with it or in some cases hold it in so long they explode with anger and do something bad. Don't hold in your feelings people talk with someone about it no matter who or what it is getting it off of your mind and release stress.
  3. On to the next...

    1. obeymatt


      On to the next gang to steal gang funds :ph34r:

    2. Colt


      You don't even know the half of it m8, but not to far off

  4. I gotta vote for my head chef of the coast guard
  5. I would be up for it but more than likely I catch a fat "Neglecting Duties Demote" being witch hunted.
  6. Again way off topic here bud
  7. Can confirm RP not ALLOWED
  8. Someone check @Huskers Turkey.



    1. mur


      its the steroids he injects 

  9. I was thinking atleast a mil what you offer?
  10. DP 9 Kavala Rebel Garage Less than 2km away Server 1 - Make Offer DP 5 3 Crater and Garage Server 1 - Make Offer
  11. Finally some fucking fights:D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos


      ur in this! sick dude!


    3. Jmb


      hello daniella

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I trust my Protector was put to some good use?


  13. I guess a year and a half of corporal wasn't enough.

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