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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


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Everything posted by Rusty

  1. Rusty


    I mean you're a freshspawn, what does it matter....
  2. You're a fan krypton. you keep following me. go away. you are the most autistic kid i have ever met. ask anyone how dumb you are. i did like you though until you met with your bad blood retards again. but you are a retard and you say the most weird shit. now fuck off bro.
  3. You don't want big towers back. I will lag up and kill you and make you make another post about deleting them
  4. No one hacks on olympus lel
  5. hahahhahaha my man is a roadman
  6. Can we have ak12's back down to the old price plz

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I will never be stubborn enough that I am unwilling to change. We saw how OP it was at 100k and after taking everything into consideration, we went with the 200k price tag. If it needs another tweak in the future, that is something that we can do. For now, we will wait and see how it goes. 200k is a lot of money, but imo I think you are getting what you want out of the gun. (unless it fires nyan cat lazer beams, then we need to hike the price up again.)

    3. EatMeth


      Jesus fucking christ.

      Every time I hear the something about the price change someone has to compare it to the fucking mk200.

      Mk200 = 250k to even use the gun you need to spend another 50k on the belt itself which is then 300k and no one runs around with a mk200 with only one belt.

      The ak-12 has no recoil, a 30 round mag and if you put that thing on a 2 round burst it is good up to 500 meters, you don't need to be a god to be able to use this gun. You are clearly joking if you think the ak-12 was at a good price at 135k when the mk 18 is at 120k . As peter said I don't think you realize how easy it is to get geared on this economy so if it is an issue you are clearly doing something wrong. 

    4. Tb:)



  7. Rusty

    Vig Shop

    just dont rdm me in kavala and we cool
  8. blackfish is too much money
  9. Rusty


    perm ban him he is cancer, showing people how to lag switch. that is my opinion
  10. Rusty

    New jail

    All im going to say is the jail is shit now, thanks for 20 frames bro
  11. @Muthinator So we made a post about the hospital and its frames, but you put a bunch of shit on the jail, My frames are 30. used to be 60+ Plus its 10x easier for civs to win against the cops, only way the cops would take over is with a ghostawk. If you tried to make it easier for cops, then you failed I am not even trying to flame you right now, just saying how bad it is for the fps.
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