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Status Updates posted by Rusty

  1. HMU if you want to buy a DP5 3 crater for meth for 5 mill. made a lot of money from it but i don't play no more so i would rather just sell it.

  2. Anyone want to buy a 3 crater dp5 meth house? made a lot of money with it but i just don't play as much anymore so i would rather sell it and get money for when i do get on sometimes. hmu if u do. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rusty


      dp5. in between all the meth fields

    3. Linka


      41 minutes ago, DothWeed2142 said:

      where is it located?

      really good house, rusty is giving you a dope deal aswell :_) 

    4. Rusty


      i really am for that house lol, i bought it for more than 5 mill too. but ima sell it cheaper because i don't need it anymore

  3. Someone donate some ingame money to me im poor as fuck , I was robbed for all my money :(

  4. Can we have ak12's back down to the old price plz

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I will never be stubborn enough that I am unwilling to change. We saw how OP it was at 100k and after taking everything into consideration, we went with the 200k price tag. If it needs another tweak in the future, that is something that we can do. For now, we will wait and see how it goes. 200k is a lot of money, but imo I think you are getting what you want out of the gun. (unless it fires nyan cat lazer beams, then we need to hike the price up again.)

    3. EatMeth


      Jesus fucking christ.

      Every time I hear the something about the price change someone has to compare it to the fucking mk200.

      Mk200 = 250k to even use the gun you need to spend another 50k on the belt itself which is then 300k and no one runs around with a mk200 with only one belt.

      The ak-12 has no recoil, a 30 round mag and if you put that thing on a 2 round burst it is good up to 500 meters, you don't need to be a god to be able to use this gun. You are clearly joking if you think the ak-12 was at a good price at 135k when the mk 18 is at 120k . As peter said I don't think you realize how easy it is to get geared on this economy so if it is an issue you are clearly doing something wrong. 

    4. Tb:)



  5. So i went to sleep and my post got removed? and it had like 50 replies, what happend? did someone get roasted?

  6. happy birthday to my main man @Colt

  7. @Poseidon skater helmets in rebels plz? 

    1. Poseidon


      They're at regular clothing shops i believe.

  8. Selling 2 houses on tanoa that are like 300m from rebel, hmu if u want to buy them

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I don't know who your solid source is. 

    3. Poseidon


      "heard from a solid source", top kek

    4. RogueMK


      Ok toe knee was my solid source Kek lol it was lies all along!! 

  9. @Poseidon Can you add carrier lite vest's in rebels on atlis? And make GA Vest cost a little bit more? GA's are legit broken and people tank in them. Many people could agree with this. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka
    3. krypton


      Yes they take way too many bullets to kill.

    4. Tom


      @Poseidon if we reach donation goal before gang wars can we get mk1 for gang wars?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dejay


      you have to buy apex, if you didnt you cant play the map

    3. Rusty


      i do have apex and im on the sneak peak, and it wont work man lol i started it up without mods too

    4. Poseidon


      not sure honestly, if you got fast internet delete your entire arma 3 directory and try to re-download

      actually your battleye might not be enabled

  10. Can we please have our ifrit doors back :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tom


      bring back old doors please!

    3. ToeKnee


      80% sure they will be on altis aswell

    4. Rusty


      aight man hopefully they are

  11. Poseidon ur a fucking legend m8, mk-1 4 life :)

    1. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      probably wont even donate:d 

    2. Rusty


      im a poor British kid mate

    3. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      Haha :D don't worry dude eb will be here soon ;)

  12. Since 3 rip got unbanned, we will be posting a recruitment post for TI pretty soon. So when we do feel free to apply. We will be really careful on who we accept. Also gl to all the gangs, cannot wait to fight :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rusty


      Well the old gang was bugged out, so we made a new one and disbanded the other one. But we still the same gang. So i do not see why we couldn't be in gang wars

    3. CheeseGrater


      look forward to fighting

    4. TheSkyStarKnight


      @Joel The gang was previously here. I'm not sure if they disbanded it and just rebanded it or not. That's what I'm saying.


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