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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. 10 mill
  2. I guess the setup pic is kinda old because i have a windows 10 now and a Razer deathadder.

    @DANGUSDEAN this made me think of you lol.

    1. TroyOGG
    2. Parker R
    3. Dangus




      I love the #hitothebye sounds funny. 


      I love I Joel, +1 

  4. New England won too ez. We were just pretending to be tired first half.
  5. FUZZY
  6. So the cereal boxes and the man working on a truck inside the hospital with walls wrapped all the way around the hospitals are gone?
  7. It's god.
  8. Didn't we have a thread that had pages and pages of videos showing that the hostpital was the main reason and nothing was ever done about it.
  9. Happy B-day @You

  10. Can we get a current stat on how much people have spent on these? Sorta like you did when Gang sheds came out.
  11. 313
  12. 313
  13. @K3control Glad to see you like my ideas from a year ago lol.

    At least we have that option now.

  14. You press i or drop them and pick them up. They will become un textured if you refill mags but you drop them and pick it up and it will be the blue & black textured Deputy-PO uniform.
  15. Can't look at past only recent.
  16. Fireplace
  17. Vape Lord Nord
  18. Other Profile
  19. At the end you hear the "bitch"
  20. Add Execute or double tap feature

    1. Phizx


      Mehhhh Idk about that unless we had defibs.

    2. Augustus


      Just make it like Archetype where you have to buy an item to execute

  21.  This killed me

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