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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. why has someone not made a montage with this
  2. One time a cop gave me my own police car when I had dep gear and let me patrol Kavala with him. You just gotta do it with the right cops on.
  3. this is some next level shit posting right here
  4. Augustus


    Welcome back!
    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Talindor


      To anyone is curious Tai posted the link for the complaint, now can we stop posting this on the forums, what happened is disgusting, and one of the victims talks of committing suicide. Yea we get it, Raptor got caught doing some disgusting things, he is getting justice move on please if your curious research it etc, has no business being on the Olympus forums.

    3. JoeL
    4. Augustus


      Yeah, I already saw it. Found this little clip in Tai's link he posted, thought it was surprising "GARNEAU stated that, in or about January/February 2016, he sent the photo of "Allison Denario" to a 13 year old boy he met through playing ARMA 3   on-line. GARNEAU stated that the boy sent GARNEAU naked pictures, including pictures of the boy's genitals." That kid probably played on Olympus. I'm gonna stop posting here so I don't get moderated or some shit

  5. The XP thing sound neat to me. I can say that the legacy map is extremely better though.
  6. There's not enough guns in legacy tbh
  7. That would require Olympus to be a modded server, and they can't exactly do that.
  8. Can anyone with large storage crates already tell me how many loadouts fit in one?
  9. will be offering a Tanoa Safari/Tour once Tanoa comes out in my jeep for 100k/person

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Augustus


      @Goodman I will personably blood bag them

    3. Ctob


      Deal but you gotta take me out to redburger when u pick me up at the corner.

    4. Augustus
  10. Augustus


    Even just bringing back warzone outpost would be amazing
  11. I personally liked the old Sofia rebel location. It had the barracks to fight in, as well as the lighthouse. love you too
  12. congrats to Gibbs, Eatmeth and G.O.A.T on getting Sergeant! And Wftm and Andrew getting Lt. !

  13. What are your guys' opinion on the best backpack? I've been thinking about an outfit, so far I got Pilot Coveralls, a Tan Cap, GA, and Aviators, all I need now is a backpack. I'd prefer not to use a carryall.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ham


      Kitbag MTP :)

    3. Augustus


      @Ham That's what I've decided on, it overall looks the best, and provided a solid space

    4. Ham


      My Loadout is Recon Fatigues, GA, Beast Mask, ECH Helmet, and the Kitbag (MTP) :P 

  14. Yeah. It wouldn't add too much time, but it would add enough to extend your time without being too OP. Good idea.
  15. this is shockingly true
  16. Then sand or copper both would be good options. They're both relatively close to Kavala, and the chances of getting robbed doing them is pretty slim.
  17. Diamonds is where you went wrong. Sometimes the most profitable things aren't always the best, they're robbed a lot. Maybe try something smaller, like sand, salt, or maybe iron. Then eventually you can move up to diamonds once you can defend yourself and be financially stable.
  18. 3 Rip AND Rusty unpermabanned. What a time to be alive!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fuzy


      Moob, I do believe you did the same thing with Rogue and Pete, stop being a hypocrite.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.

      Tfw when there was no unban posts for Pete Malloy or RogueMK.


    4. Fuzy


      There were, you guys bitched about it all the time. Kek

  19. forgot about me
  20. the cop uniforms are green
  21. Even without the APDS, the bullet could easily penetrate through almost anything we can get at the moment, except maybe the strider/ifrit.
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