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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. wow this would be a great gift!
  2. I remember staying up for launch just to get all the best houses
  3. i miss Tanoa
  4. if you would be so kind into entering thy self (me) in such giveaway that would be dandy
  5. Makes a post about holding left click while having 100 rounds killing someone who runs in the open , glad to see it took 47 rounds - nice meme
  6. level cap is much higher now 100+
  7. 8.5 mil
  8. Enter
  9. Olympus released a tanoa server already, it slowly died off but imo it was a rushed project. It could be a neat server 3 replacement, however, it requires a lot more work from our already hard working devs. Would be cool, but not likely!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      Lol I don't think the rook beats CSAT and tier 4 vests and pilot helmets. But if it ever does, lmk.

    3. Zephyr


      Just now, DINGUSDEAN said:

      Lol I don't think the rook beats CSAT and tier 4 vests and pilot helmets. But if it ever does, lmk.

      with enough mags it will :P

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      I’d probably miss with a mk1

  11. dili_3
  12. no cause its Africa
  13. a water bottle
  14. *waits inside with a 12 gauge*
  15. I was about to ask the same thing, beat me to it! I guess when you say assholery you mean harassment and such..
  16. Hello and welcome to the Olympus ExperianceTM
  17. didn't you just post this?
  18. Please fill out the appropriate form located here: https://goo.gl/forms/ytkvzQP2fqhmwRDz2 Remember, the public forums are not the place to report someone no hate just love <-----------
  19. Please fill out the appropriate form located here: https://goo.gl/forms/ytkvzQP2fqhmwRDz2 Remember, the public forums are not the place to report someone no hate just love
  20. Yea if it was something like Civs being able to buy hunters for a limited time, Id assume they would indicate that the helmets are temporary.
  21. Nice firm and straightforward post, even cripples like me understand the meaning behind it. I GIVE IT +1
  22. Really good way to report yourself
  23. would make combat store 10000x easier
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