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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. +1 this took an immense amount of courage to say. Myself and Ping (check the post I put in this thread) would like to invite you to our home. We will decorate the house as World War 1.
  2. I'm attracted to ping pong paddles. My ping-pongfriend is named Ping. Been together for 2 months
  3. We have similar genders! So are you sexually attracted to pool tables or Gatorade bottles??
  4. Did you just assume my gender?
  5. https://gyazo.com/bc913bdeb352bfca2b28461ee320b440 @SystemChips pretty close. That's @Jonas btw.
  6. haven't tried. I would assume so, but Arco is my main squeeze
  7. jump off a cliff too Seriously need help tho SOS
  8. jump off a cliff
  9. Whenever I go into the further zoomed in part of the ARCO scope, I drop frames like crazy. Anybody know of a fix??
  10. Ummmmm not sure what I just read but uhhhh......good luck?
  11. Start off by retiring from late night TV.
  12. happy birthday to my boy @SwiggitySwooty hope its a good one dood


  14. lmao haiwood is a good player if I were them id blackmail him into joining MC too lolololol
  15. Its so obvious there's corruption and instead of expressing my displeasure through words that will get my post removed, I decided to quote people. Monkeyslap because that gyazo is priceless, and you because your defence was sub-par.
  16. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @Triluxthis post is gonna get locked faster than you can say corruption
  17. I'm not in game so is DP22 a moonshine house? I know its a dumb question I just don't want to launch the game.
  18. Having a governor would be cool +1
  19. I have 0 clue who the mystery guy is, just as an fyi. Whoever it is has some good points. That's why I'm defending him. ITS NOT PHIZX

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigPat


      Phizx aint smurt enuf to cum up wif sumthin lek this enyway.

      but, i wish they would stop deleteing threads and locking the posts. I want to see the truth come out, whatever it may be, and for everyone to let thier voice be heard. 

    3. DeadPool


      once the truth is shown they hide it before the light can hit it

    4. bigPat


      na, everyone already knows. What was said was said and its over now. The actions being taken now just prove what was stated before. Nothing will be done about it though. 

  20. did you just assume his gender?????????
  21. +1 huge fan. sign my forehead @Hectic?
  22. @Linka finally unrestricted
  23. If youre looking for tips on being the best vigi you can be I have 3 tips for success. 1. Don't. 2. Refer to number 1. 3. Refer to number 2.
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