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The first pc game you ever played

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Just now, skavenpete said:

Single Player: 

Multiplayer: Tibia/Diablo 2/Warcraft 3 I cant remember which one 

Ah yes Warcraft was the shit, never played diablo though and I don't know what tibia is

When there are twelve views but no one balls enough to post first pc game, they are to embarrassed they played club peguin

4 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

First single player Witcher 2 

First multiplayer arma 3 

Your either a young buck or you just got a pc

19 minutes ago, gordonmann1 said:

Single player: age of empires and wow

Mutiplayer: crossfire and combat arms

If a dude sais pirates 101 ima slap you

WoW isn't singleplayer...

Single Player: Entire warcraft series/ Diablo

Multiplayer: Everquest and later WoW when it launched.

3 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

Backyard Football the original back on the ole Windows 95 haha.

Yea you got me man, I wasn't even born in 95 so I don't know what that had to be like

1 minute ago, Orgondo said:

WoW isn't singleplayer...

Single Player: Entire warcraft series/ Diablo

Multiplayer: Everquest and later WoW when it launched.

Well I refer to the warcrafts as wow aswell

1 minute ago, gordonmann1 said:

Yea you got me man, I wasn't even born in 95 so I don't know what that had to be like

Well I refer to the warcrafts as wow aswell

Ahh, I still play Frozen throne like every night lol, Tower defense and all that shit

1 minute ago, snipeZ said:

Diablo 1 single player. Arma 2 multiplayer

That's awesome never played diablo and got into arma 3 after dayz

1 minute ago, Orgondo said:

Ahh, I still play Frozen throne like every night lol, Tower defense and all that shit

Yea I played like the stickman games like xgstudios

2 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

It was a really crappy football game.. Still better than Madden lol.

I bet.... I think your mind is a little aged thinking its better than madden hahah

2 minutes ago, CommanderSuki said:

Wolfenstein 3D i think i don't remember much from when i was a kid.

Oh I played wolfstein on console

9 minutes ago, gordonmann1 said:


I bet.... I think your mind is a little aged thinking its better than madden hahah

This years Madden is decent I'll admit that. In the past Madden never changed the gameplay, they would only update the rosters and sell the same damn game every year.

1 minute ago, papi goggles said:

battlefield 1942

Oh wait I remember One of my first games were battlefield Vietnam it was awesome fav map Saigon cuz ik the glitches hahah

2 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

This years Madden is decent I'll admit that. In the past Madden never changed the gameplay, they would only update the rosters and sell the same damn game every year.

Ye I never been a big sportfan for videogames I play sports and I watch sports but I guess I only like NHL

Just now, gordonmann1 said:

Ye I never been a big sportfan for videogames I play sports and I watch sports but I guess I only like NHL

Like in video game wise NFL

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