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Donation goal: November

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I think that the donation goal could be to add an auction house

aspects of the auction house

1. Sell inventory items, like mk-1 or something like that and it takes it from your inventory. When someone wants to buy something they'll have a "shopping cart" and when they are done shopping, a crate will spawn and they will be the only person who has access to the crate. Things can not be put into the spawned crate, and the crate will disappear after 5 minutes.

2. Sell houses. When you select to sell a house, you are presented with a list of the houses you have that are empty, the houses have to be empty!!! Once they select it, they will be allowed to charge up to 1.5 times the price that it normally is bought at. Once the house is selected to be sold, it can only be bought from the auction house and is immediately taken from the owners. The house can not be bought from the actual site of the house. Once the house is bought, the keys will immediately be turned over to the buyer. 


Rules. I guess.

1. Every purchase is completely anonymous through in-game. Obviously people can coordinate a sell/buy outside of the game.

2. Things will be not be taken off the auction houses When the seller logs off the server, and things will persist through restart.

3. Each city will have a auction house, and all the auction houses have the exact same listings.

that is it. If you have other suggestions please comment below. 

I honestly say that we should give the devs a bit of a break this month and just ask for Go Carts, Pilot Helmets, Stats Page :Kappa:, and the News Team.

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Regarding what TheCmdrRex said, it'd be cool if for the news team there would also be a newspaper, run by the news team, for which anyone could submit an article and the news team would pick the good ones and put them together to make the newspaper. Maybe the authors could get some money in return? Like 50k per article, if it is chosen to be in the paper?

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I think there should be Banks in the major cites. So like 5 cops would have to be on to try to defend it. it would be like a small fed or something 

2 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Stats Page :Kappa:, and the News Team

1. Stats page takes Devs

2.News Team takes Devs (but a lot less work that a stats page) and Staff time to get it set up

2 hours ago, primelegion said:

I think there should be Banks in the major cites. So like 5 cops would have to be on to try to defend it. it would be like a small fed or something 

3 cops 


4 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

I honestly say that we should give the devs a bit of a break this month and just ask for Go Carts, Pilot Helmets, Stats Page :Kappa:, and the News Team.

Pilot helmets and in game or out of game stats page 

Some ideas of mine and others that I'd like to see

A smaller fed (Bank)

Warzone island added back 

War Point system/shop

Auction House, although I believe it's already being worked on

Maybe not the full warzone, but just more cartels

Kidney stealing :Kappa:

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, JBruesch said:

1. Stats page takes Devs

2.News Team takes Devs (but a lot less work that a stats page) and Staff time to get it set up

I meant give devs a break by allowing them to focus on things that they need to catch up on. Stats page, house comp, gang hideouts, and the normal updates. And, correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the News Team code is still in the mission file.

35 minutes ago, Ryno said:

Mar 10s and rangefinder with dms scopes. no thanks Chris kyle

Can already very easily get range finders anyway might as well just add it to the general store or maybe black markets and rebel only i personally just had a legacy donor give me a shit ton of rangefinders and have like 30 or 40 in my houses total

A Bank in all major cities to rob that get 750k

Auction House, although I believe it's already being worked on

More cartels

Kidney stealing :Kappa:

Knocking People Out :Kappa:

Pilot Helmets

Track Suits


MXC for civs that costs 55k

Edited by TroyOGG
3 hours ago, Quintin said:

idc what the goal is but just add on rangefinders to it

I got you fam, how many do you want?


1 hour ago, TroyOGG said:

A Bank in all major cities to rob that get 750k

Auction House, although I believe it's already being worked on

More cartels, NO but do change locations. maybe even and NEW DRUGS

Kidney stealing :Kappa: sure why not

Knocking People Out :Kappa: No

Pilot Helmets idc

Track Suits idc

Go-Karts NO

MXC for civs that costs 55k NO


6 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

And, correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the News Team code is still in the mission file.

Not too sure, unless he changed it but it is encrypted so I cant check :(

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