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Donald Trump will be the new President of the United States Megathread

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5 hours ago, cFeor said:

Having a wall is the most idiotic things we can do as a country because most immigrants don't hop borders in groups dodging security like we see in movies.. The most common way to illegally live here is overstaying your visa from coming in via airline. Also it costs alot of money...

Do they over stay their visa with hundreds of pounds of heroin? How else do you think that shit gets in here? It's foolish to think people wouldn't exploit a 2,000 mile long border to get into this country. Go look it up. Our border is so dilapidated you can see people putting a metal ramp on it and driving over the wall. Build it

50 minutes ago, Moose said:

Do they over stay their visa with hundreds of pounds of heroin? How else do you think that shit gets in here? It's foolish to think people wouldn't exploit a 2,000 mile long border to get into this country. Go look it up. Our border is so dilapidated you can see people putting a metal ramp on it and driving over the wall. Build it

I think cFeor's point is that building a wall will not stop illegal immigration. And considering the massive cost of the wall, not just its construction but its maintenance, it does not make sense to build it considering the fact that it will not be very effective and it will not save the government money. Also some of the drugs that get into the country also get in in other ways, like via air travel. And finally, if marijauana was legalized, regulated, and taxed, the power of cartels and gangs would drop, and so would crime. Trump would be spending the money more wisely had he put it towards mental health care for drug addicts, and education regarding the issue. Also keep in mind that such a wall would have to cut through rivers and forests. It would disrupt the wildlife


2 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

I think the media/social media had a helping hand in influencing the younger generation that trump is a bad guy. Yes he may have not made the smartest choices before he started campaigning for President but one bad choice does not make you into a terrible person. It makes me sick to my stomach that some "big" Youtube channels were being paid to influence people to vote for Hillary. The younger generation does not understand how Obama's term effected America. It seems like the only thing people care about now days is the social issues within our country. I couldn't care less about the social issues or political correctness at a time where we need to focus on fixing the economy and world relations. Maybe after we understand how we can better the economy and fix our world relation problems then we can get back to worrying about the social issues.

yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is!

2 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is!

I'll let other people comment on this lol. Not worth my time.

15 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is!

Free healthcare? Not one part of his Obamacare was free it costed a shit ton of money and took everyone's else insurance and made the cost sky rocket. Multiple businesses and ambulance companies went out business because of this so called "free healthcare." The war in Iraq was meant to keep the terrorism at bay and off of our homeland but since we pulled our troops out everything that has been done and all the lives sacrificed was undone. The ideology of ISIS prevails and everyday commit attacks across the globe. Ending it is not much to cheer for. 

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18 minutes ago, Dick Hurtz said:

Free healthcare? Not one part of his Obamacare was free it costed a shit ton of money and took everyone's else insurance and made the cost sky rocket. Multiple businesses and ambulance companies went out business because of this so called "free healthcare." The war in Iraq was meant to keep the terrorism at bay and off of our homeland but since we pulled our troops out everything that has been done and all the lives sacrificed was undone. The ideology of ISIS prevails and everyday commit attacks across the globe. Ending it is not much to cheer for. 

all Obamacare did was help people,  People that already had insurance were granted new benefits and the price of health care was regulated, for those who didn't already have insurance it offered them affordable health care, and free for the poor. The war in Iraq cost the us 1.7 trillion and only started because bush accused iraq having wwmd which was false. It had nothing to do with isis

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Just now, Barrack Obama said:

all Obamacare did was help people,  People that already had insurance were granted new benefits and the price of health care was regulated, for those who didn't already have insurance it offered them affordable health care, and free for the poor. The war in Iraq cost the us 1.7 trillion and only started because bush accused iraq having wwmd which was false. It had nothing to do with isis

I'd rather explain to the wall trump is going to build then explain this again to you. The wall would probably be less dense.

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36 minutes ago, Marty said:

I think cFeor's point is that building a wall will not stop immigration.


People don't want immigration stopped, they want illegal immigration to be stopped.

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4 minutes ago, Supremacy said:

People don't want immigration stopped, they want illegal immigration to be stopped.

it won't stop either one.

4 minutes ago, Supremacy said:

People don't want immigration stopped, they want illegal immigration to be stopped.

My bad, i misspoke. I meant illegal immigration.

Look at the effects of the Israeli Palestinian wall and you will see walls work. Just because other avenues exist doesn't mean we shouldnt build the wall. That's like saying police don't stop all crime so let's get rid of police. Land travel is still the most efficient and safest way to transport large amounts of goods especially over a 2000 mile open border.

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9 minutes ago, Moose said:

Look at the effects of the Israeli Palestinian wall and you will see walls work. Just because other avenues exist doesn't mean we shouldnt build the wall. That's like saying police don't stop all crime so let's get rid of police. Land travel is still the most efficient and safest way to transport large amounts of goods especially over a 2000 mile open border.

But the point is that the benefits do not outweigh the cost in this case. The wall would be incredibly expensive and would have to cross bodies of water.

58 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is!

Giving people free healthcare? Are you fucking retarded?

My family's premium increased by 72% this last year, Obamacare is the single worst thing obama put into affect.

Please do some fucking research.


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4 minutes ago, TheRealKyle said:

Giving people free healthcare? Are you fucking retarded?

My family's premium increased by 72% this last year, Obamacare is the single worst thing obama put into affect.

Please do some fucking research.


Did i say it gave everyone free healthcare? I said it reduced the cost for the normal citizen and offered free healthcare to the poor. This is a common ad hominem logical fallacy attacking the other person rather than there ideas IE calling me retarded. 

55 minutes ago, Dick Hurtz said:

Free healthcare? Not one part of his Obamacare was free it costed a shit ton of money and took everyone's else insurance and made the cost sky rocket. Multiple businesses and ambulance companies went out business because of this so called "free healthcare." The war in Iraq was meant to keep the terrorism at bay and off of our homeland but since we pulled our troops out everything that has been done and all the lives sacrificed was undone. The ideology of ISIS prevails and everyday commit attacks across the globe. Ending it is not much to cheer for. 

This is one thing I'm just not super-educated on.


But were we meant to keep our forces there forever? At the end of the day you're talking about warring with an ideology, a war where our involvement only served to strengthen said ideology. While I understand leaving had its repercussions on the middle east, what would a better alternative be?

Lol it would run parallel to a body of water not cross it. The Rio grande makes up a large portion of our border. We simply build the wall a few hundred yards behind it. The benefits out way the cost (thousands less in lbs of heroin for our people to get hooked on? Yes plz) and besides don't you know Mexico is paying for it? The cost of the wall wouldn't be that high tbh. It's way more economical than you think. Even if we did pay for it we are paying Americans to build it which it all goes back into the system. Look up the costs of illegal immigration and drug addiction (specifically drugs from South of the border) 

1 minute ago, McDili said:

This is one thing I'm just not super-educated on.


But were we meant to keep our forces there forever? At the end of the day you're talking about warring with an ideology, a war where our involvement only served to strengthen said ideology. While I understand leaving had its repercussions on the middle east, what would a better alternative be?

The war had nothing to do with ISIS as dick hurtz seems to imply, but instead, as Barrack said, the war was based on Bush's accusations that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq was somehow tied to the 9/11 attacks, both of which were not supported by evidence, and so many countries refused to participate in the war. The war overthrew a secular leader who kept his country stable albeit oppressed, and replaced him with a religious fanatic. As the arab spring has demonstrated in almost all countries in which it occurred, a secular dictator is better than a religious fanatic who divides the country, especially in the case of Islamic countries which tend to contain Shiites and Sunnis, which often conflict with one another. In short the war in Iraq was a war crime and it resulted in instability in the country, and the united states government should stop trying to overthrow secular leaders, including Assad.

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Just now, Moose said:

Marty you just quoted Trump's position on Democracy building. The issue is the way we left created a power vacuum to be exploited by fanatics

That was part of my question though. Leaving the country obviously creates a power vacuum. But in order to not create one, what's the alternative?

2 minutes ago, McDili said:

That was part of my question though. Leaving the country obviously creates a power vacuum. But in order to not create one, what's the alternative?

Well the alternative was not to invade in the first place, but once the damage is done, it would have possibly been a good idea to have sort of a new marshall plan which would rebuild the country and improve or repair its relations with the united states, thereby decreasing the amount of anti-western extremists.

Just now, Marty said:

Well the alternative was not to invade in the first place, but once the damage is done, it would have possibly been a good idea to have sort of a new marshall plan which would rebuild the country and improve or repair its relations with the united states, thereby decreasing the amount of anti-western extremists.

But what was Obama's alternative? Obama came into office post-invasion.

Leave troops there. Also not instigate the Arab spring in the first place. By trying to meddle around in Syria/Iran/Libya/Egypt they created a shit storm that spilled into Iraq and Yemen and Oman. War isn't PC so the US has starting using soft power and covert subversion to influence foreign nations and it's created hell.

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