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Add a 3rd server?  

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  1. 1. Add server 3?

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Guest G.O.A.T.

I've said this for awhile, within the next month would be the most ideal time to introduce a server 3. You'll have the opportunity to expand the server significantly with everyone getting out of school for the summer.

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4 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

I've said this for awhile, within the next month would be the most ideal time to introduce a server 3. You'll have the opportunity to expand the server significantly with everyone getting out of school for the summer.


Thats, why I am bringing it up now since the end of April, is closing fast af

3 minutes ago, Excision said:

fuck I thought u were stepping down :( had my hopes up






Your self


jk <3

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2 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

You're never getting Sergeant so it doesn't matter if he steps down.









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Guest Excision
50 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

You're never getting Sergeant so it doesn't matter if he steps down.






lmao ill get sergeant when u get Sr Deputy or whatever the fuck you call it

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we used to have 3 servers along time ago in 2014, but poisideon or the ehad admins u should talk to and remember they just added a rust server also so it might have took the 3rd server slot. but i dont really care how many servers u have as long as we can fill them which we probably can but you know money is always a issue. just my thoughts on the subject.




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14 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

You paying for it?

Boonie can pay for it just like how he paid off peter long's mortgage

Also, for the funding of the 3rd server, add donation perks back, such as race suits and other cool cosmetics in game. 

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Everyone would want a server 3, just the problem is Financing it and maintaining a steady server population. When we had Tanoa there would only ever be on a maximum of 50 players on at any given time. Is there any way we could possibly predict an average server population for a potential 3rd server?

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I remember one or two times where Dili donated an insane amount. I believe he was doing that from the kindness of his heart because he appreciates this server but also there were times when we cut it close and if it was not for him and maybe a couple other people the donation goals would not have been met.

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