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Masked Player Ability

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I think in the terms of Civilian we should have the ability to have masks that hides our name and gang so if you wish to do a kidnapping or a hit on someone they do not know who to go after or to get a buddy to hunt down. I believe if we allow this it will make RP more fun and make a bigger threat for people out there On top of that a few charges like kidnapping can not be added due to the fact that a person did not see your face to ID you.

To counter this I also suggest that for the safety of the public if a Cop sees you hiding your identity they can request you to take off the mask (make the mask an illegal item). failure to comply should result in a ticket and grants cause to search said person to take the mask off and look for anything else illegal.

I would like to have the public feed back on this idea both the general public and the dev community.

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I really like this, would bring more RP into the cop process. Would require the implementation of a de-masking option for cops though while processing. 

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There was an entire revamp of cop RP interactions very similar to what you are suggesting. Basically it made APD interaction a shitty time for everyone, so let's not go down this road again.

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How would you engage a vehicle from a helicopter? Or engage a heli from the ground? This is a cool idea, but not fit for the Olympus style of light RP and mostly combat oriented servers. Yes, RP would increase, hopefully, but it would end up causing more frustration and annoyances than it would be worth sadly.

I'm a no.

  • Lord of Tickets

@Poseidon brought this idea up a while back and it was completely shit on by everyone due to engagement and 'RDM' reasons. 

29 minutes ago, Kirith said:


Did you think of doing a quick 30 second search for the 700 other posts that have been made about this?

As dante said, I actually made this a while back and when I showed screenshots it just got shit on. Olympus is 'light rp', it's what people are used to and like.

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maybe make the mask worth like 500,000k each or everyone would by one and abuse the hell out of it. then have your name = a number string instaid so you can still be engaged through texts if your in a vehicle.

12 minutes ago, Theak said:

maybe make the mask worth like 500,000k each or everyone would by one and abuse the hell out of it. then have your name = a number string instaid so you can still be engaged through texts if your in a vehicle.

500k for a fucking mask which covers your name. I thought csat prices were fucked.

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30 minutes ago, Theak said:

i wouldn't want everyone scat player to have the ability to run around free from justice. that would be cancer to the apd.

Spending 500k on a fucking mask just you can evade the APD that's already so easy to avoid is cancer Imo.

I was with this idea when it got recommended on asylum and when it happend it was the most cancer thing ever. You cant see peoples names in vehicles or helis so you cant really initiate or anything. In game you cant see your friends names. Its a horrible idea. Someone could just initiate you and you would have no clue who the fuck it is because everyone is "Unknown". Please dont do this. 

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3 hours ago, Theak said:

maybe make the mask worth like 500,000k each or everyone would by one and abuse the hell out of it. then have your name = a number string instaid so you can still be engaged through texts if your in a vehicle.

I would say yes just so i can RDM you and not get banned

10 hours ago, Brennan said:

There was an entire revamp of cop RP interactions very similar to what you are suggesting. Basically it made APD interaction a shitty time for everyone, so let's not go down this road again.

I think it sounds like a great idea, have the player ID above instead for reporting reasons. It would require a lot of RP for finding out names and what not. With the new license check feature it wouldn't be bad

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