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Locked So comp doesn't mean shit anymore, You can accept all the comp you want and still report

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Ingis has just informed us that comp means jack shit even for the smallest offensives such as combat storing, so accept all the comp you want and still report its not against any rules according to Ingis.

Its not my fault that he cant keep his word- Ingis 2k17

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Think I've found myself a new money making method.

Get someone to pay you comp

Report them

Make a comp request

Basically duping money

1 minute ago, Hurricane said:

even if u comp somebody they can report u dumb ass

Even still the ban should be appealed dumb ass

  • Like 4

How is this Ingis's fault.....
Its up to whom you comped to accept the comp and inform them that it has been rectified...
why don't you call out that guy in staid of someone upholding their duties?
I mean not to add salt to the wound here but.... you combat stored...... maybe try not doing that and Ingis wont have to slam the ban hammer in the first place.
Its really shitty that the person didn't uphold his end of the deal though.
It takes 2 seconds to send them a message saying issue resolved.

I think the staff should better revise this and make a "Official" rule on this matter and types like it

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2 minutes ago, Theak said:

How is this Ingis's fault.....
Its up to whom you comped to accept the comp and inform them that it has been rectified...
why don't you call out that guy in staid of someone upholding their duties?
I mean not to add salt to the wound here but.... you combat stored...... maybe try not doing that and Ingis wont have to slam the ban hammer in the first place.
Its really shitty that the person didn't uphold his end of the deal though.
It takes 2 seconds to send them a message saying issue resolved.

The proof that Ingis needed was in the video, It shows the money being sent to the player. Ignis was not doing his job by seeing the comp be sent and still going through on the ban.

and it was not me that was banned, but I get your point

1 minute ago, Theak said:

you combat stored...... maybe try not doing that and Ingis wont have to slam the ban hammer in the first place.

He paid comp for the combat store, which I'll take a guess was the chop value of the vehicle, if this was to happen nothing was lost by the reporter except 'a RP situation' but who the fuck is into that shit. As a result why should frosty be banned? Nothing negative has occured


Just now, Fr0sty said:

The proof that Ingis needed was in the video, It shows the money being sent to the player. Ignis was not doing his job by seeing the comp be sent and still going through on the ban.

Its up to the player to say that compensation has been satisfied.
Not up to Ingis to judge if there has been the correct terms met in his opinion to lift said persons player report.
I'm not taking sides here but just saying don't blame him for someone not fulfilling their end of the agreement by not telling ingis to lift the ban.
Its the players responsibility not ingis's.  I see where your comming from and all but still the other player has to redact his player report first.
Unless theres more to it that isn't being said...

idk my 2 cents an't worth the time to read anyway.
I would be upset i got scamed too i guess but then again... i dont combat store so theres that.

1 minute ago, I Am Fuzzy said:

How much you getting paid to do your job 

Posts like these are my payment.

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  • Lord of Tickets


The way I feel about times like this is situational. I personally can't stand the idea of comp automatically making it OK to break rules. Although, if the reporter and reported had a mutual agreement to comp through messaging or verbal (and can be proved in the appeal assuming the reporter reports anyways) then I dont see an issue with at least reducing depending on the severity. 

Now, this does not include someone that gets banned THEN tries to offer comp to get unbanned. To me, you don't care that you broke a rule but that you were banned. 

It can get deeper in detail for when comp should matter but that's the basis on how i handle each situation. If you break a rule, send comp, but there was never an agreement..you took a risk. 


Always get confirmation that comp is a deal. At least for me. ^_^

  • Like 1
Just now, Theak said:

Its up to the player to say that compensation has been satisfied.
Not up to Ingis to judge if there has been the correct terms met in his opinion to lift said persons player report.
I'm not taking sides here but just saying don't blame him for someone not fulfilling their end of the agreement by not telling ingis to lift the ban.
Its the players responsibility not ingis's.  I see where your comming from and all but still the other player has to redact his player report first.
Unless theres more to it that isn't being said...

idk my 2 cents an't worth the time to read anyway.
I would be upset i got scamed too i guess but then again... i dont combat store so theres that.

He did in the video, the player said 300k okay? and he replied with yes. And it is up to ingis to say if it is fair enough payment that why he is a staff member, Literally his sole purpose in this community is to judge if he player reporting has been wronged or not. And in this situation the player has been comped the full amount that he "lost" from the combat store.

If you want to actually assume things go ahead. Something that your numb head friend didn't tell you is I did not deny or accept his ban appeal yet as I was going to reach out to the other party about it. But sure, go ahead make a fool out of yourself and tell all of Olympus that I don't know what I am doing :)

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  • Head Admin

The so called "comp or ban" scenario is an entirely player made up thing.  Staff never have had a stance on it because if you break a rule we donger you.

If you do something comp worthy and send money to someone that doesn't mean it's ok to break rule that logic makes absolutely no sense.  That said if you send someone comp and they report you anyway I personally have returned the comp cause double dipping is a douch move.

  • Like 8
6 minutes ago, Dante Fleury said:


The way I feel about times like this is situational. I personally can't stand the idea of comp automatically making it OK to break rules. Although, if the reporter and reported had a mutual agreement to comp through messaging or verbal (and can be proved in the appeal assuming the reporter reports anyways) then I dont see an issue with at least reducing depending on the severity. 

Now, this does not include someone that gets banned THEN tries to offer comp to get unbanned. To me, you don't care that you broke a rule but that you were banned. 

It can get deeper in detail for when comp should matter but that's the basis on how i handle each situation. If you break a rule, send comp, but there was never an agreement..you took a risk. 


Always get confirmation that comp is a deal. At least for me. ^_^

In the video he was comped before the ban. The player and combat store had an agreement in the video on the correct amount on what was to be paid. And that amount was paid.

21 minutes ago, William 'Daniel' Wallace said:

Think I've found myself a new money making method.

Get someone to pay you comp

Report them

Make a comp request

Basically duping money

Even still the ban should be appealed dumb ass

Look in the logs, find out your being a pudwack, wipe your account. ^___^

  • Like 2

But did that said player inform ingis that the compensation has been met. and even then i dont think thats a server thing. i think that's more of a threat players use as a scare tactic.
Half the time its a bluff, who wants to take the time to report someone.
And to agree with dante fleury it shouldn't be ok to just comp someone and then get away with breaking rules repeatedly, accidents happen and stress induced decisions can make your brain stop thinking things through sure.
I mean idk if you frequently break rules and just pay your way out of it ( not saying you do or dont) but i would say thats not ok.
I also dont know all the story here but i imagine there is more to it or it would have been resolved.
Again you should call out the person whom didnt say he had been compensated or still turned it in but I also wouldn't be putting myself or staff on blast like this either.

5 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

absolutely no sense.

How does it make no sense though. They've made up in same way for the persons losses due to the rule break. The victim loses fuck all, so why does it make no sense?

2 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

The so called "comp or ban" scenario is an entirely player made up thing.  Staff never have had a stance on it because if you break a rule we donger you.

If you do something comp worthy and send money to someone that doesn't mean it's ok to break rule that logic makes absolutely no sense.  That said if you send someone comp and they report you anyway I personally have returned the comp cause double dipping is a douch move.

This shit makes me mad. Not that you can comp and report, that's okay, But that there is not clear cut rule about this shit. It all depends on the admin or mod you have and the day they are having. Can we have a clear cut rule about it. It either needs to be that if you accept the comp you cant report or no comp in general. Simple as that, we need clear cut rules about this so we don't have anymore bullshit bans that the player was misinformed about the comp rules or no comp at all. Simple as that

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