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Escort Mission.


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@McDili u should make the purple zone a 1 way engagement either  for attackers or defenders it would make it cool.

44 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

Lol so civs have to re engage on every apd member that shows up? Sounds silly

I don't know what rules you're reading where you think this would be the case.


Why as a CIV would you ever engage the APD in a situation where they have to stop you. If you want the advantage you wait until they engage you with code 3 or other means. Once they engage you you're engaged for 5 minutes, you kill all the cops you see until you go 5 minutes with no interaction (Which will almost never happen.)

9 hours ago, Xeltini said:

If cops did have wave rule I feel like it would be op for civs because you could just pop their tires repeatedly. Maybe make it so where there is wave rule but if an officer is disabled then the next wave can begin. I've personally not tested it just an idea for your statement. 

No, literally cops are aids, no matter which drop off point you go to your heading head first at an HQ. Its also not just 1 gang and then the cops a few gangs actually participate in it.

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This event will probably be tweaked after we observe it for a week or two, but making a "Mobile" redzone isn't gonna happen nor we will make a "Mobile Wave Rule" thing. Would be far too easy to abuse i.e. Shoot last cop's tires and drive away. Would be a stupidly complicated solution to a problem that nobody has really tried other approaches for so far.


Perhaps some folks should try not driving in such close proximity to Pyrgos HQ. That's where most seem to fail is right by Truck shop or around Pyrgos. Sometimes the quickest route isn't the safest one.

As of right now its 100% not worth it for the money. lets look at the small convoy, 500k. you need 3 cops on, so that means you need at least 3 civs to have a good chance since cops will keep coming back. assuming u kill all the cops like 15 times and you make it all the way to sofia, you clear what, 200k each? and that's assuming that no other civs show up and try to fuck you over. IMO the location shouldn't be marked on the map, and maybe increase the spawn timer to 3 or 4 mins to give time for cops to get there. since there's no wave rule cops can follow in a heli or keep tabs on it from a car. this would give people a much better chance of being successful, and make it more balanced.

The trucks need to be tier 4 if they aren't already. Way to slow going up hills (only way to avoid driving right into the cops at the start). Also need a shit ton of repair kits to spawn in the truck or near it because as of right now you can expect to lose a tire or two every "wave" especially with quilins on your tale. No purple zone would make it impossible for cops who don't have a heli but maybe make the purple zone visible after a certain amount of time after it spawns or distance traveled. Would give time to get to alternate routes since the start is very hilly if you don't take the main road and takes time to manevour around. Right now it is too cop sided for sure. Wave rules wouldn't make sense on a moving target. Also think cops need a rule against camping the drop off points or maybe the drop off/turn in spots can be randomly picked from a handful of spots and not shown on the APD map. 

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8 hours ago, McDili said:

I don't know what rules you're reading where you think this would be the case.


Why as a CIV would you ever engage the APD in a situation where they have to stop you. If you want the advantage you wait until they engage you with code 3 or other means. Once they engage you you're engaged for 5 minutes, you kill all the cops you see until you go 5 minutes with no interaction (Which will almost never happen.)

So if I'm driving the truck and see The first responding officer drive by with no lights or siren, I can shoot him and get back in the vehicle and continue driving? No engagement required even though there is no redzone?

31 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

So if I'm driving the truck and see The first responding officer drive by with no lights or siren, I can shoot him and get back in the vehicle and continue driving? No engagement required even though there is no redzone?

If that's the first cop on the scene, no. But why would you, it's better to just keep driving until they use code 3. They can't shoot you either until they engage.

Why is everyone complaining about the money you make from it? Yall fight cartels 10 hours a day dying, regearing, reinsuring vehicles, buying ifrits. Everyone wanted more combat, they add something with more combat and suddenly it’s about money lol RUNS are for money. That being said I think it’s pretty fun to do so far, look forward to seeing how much it changes.

30 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Keep in mind, this wasn’t intended to be something large gangs are meant to spam. Definitely was intended for the smaller gangs as a medium between full blown feds/BW’s and jails/Big illegal runs.

But i enjoy when smaller gangs do it, ez seizes :)

4 hours ago, draMa said:

Why is everyone complaining about the money you make from it? Yall fight cartels 10 hours a day dying, regearing, reinsuring vehicles, buying ifrits. Everyone wanted more combat, they add something with more combat and suddenly it’s about money lol RUNS are for money. That being said I think it’s pretty fun to do so far, look forward to seeing how much it changes.

Ok then my extra chromie homie

It is definitely fun, we tried with 4 of us against 8 cops and we managed 3km and 3 waves.  But the ghosthawk engagement on the armed quilin was shitty, which led to us dumping it.  Cops resorting to lethals on the 4th wave against 4 rebels was also pretty shit and just killed it.

Restarting a failed pharm escort seems to be a little buggy too.  We tried restarting several times on #2 and were met with a "already in progress message".  After switching to #1 we couldn't start because someone else had just completed it.

7 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Keep in mind, this wasn’t intended to be something large gangs are meant to spam. Definitely was intended for the smaller gangs as a medium between full blown feds/BW’s and jails/Big illegal runs.

Ye so the cops can dick on them whilst they have no chance...

20 hours ago, Duece said:

The trucks need to be tier 4 if they aren't already. Way to slow going up hills (only way to avoid driving right into the cops at the start). Also need a shit ton of repair kits to spawn in the truck or near it because as of right now you can expect to lose a tire or two every "wave" especially with quilins on your tale. No purple zone would make it impossible for cops who don't have a heli but maybe make the purple zone visible after a certain amount of time after it spawns or distance traveled. Would give time to get to alternate routes since the start is very hilly if you don't take the main road and takes time to manevour around. Right now it is too cop sided for sure. Wave rules wouldn't make sense on a moving target. Also think cops need a rule against camping the drop off points or maybe the drop off/turn in spots can be randomly picked from a handful of spots and not shown on the APD map. 

I think a much simpler solution would be random drop off zone locations not shown to police and a much larger "purple zone" right now its small enough where ADP can easily find it...maybe like 1KM radius would be good.

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