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A Few Ideas...

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With the vigi update, its done really well for a vigi playstyle and I applaud that it was done in a way to not let rule breakers and abusers have all the vigi responsibilities. But there are a few concerns I have about the role and its progression system. What I have may be able to be used to make the leveling system more enjoyable and rewarding to those who want to play it

1-There really isn't any better GEAR (armor/clothing) available, I like the things available in rebel and would like to be able to purchase them, particularly the green digi camo clothing. I'd like to see this unlocked within the 3rd or a 4th tier

2-rebel exclusive vehicles (not .50 cal) I think it would be cool to see another vigi tier added to unlock a vigi vehicle shop, giving hunters or striders with a grey and green paint to distinguish it but having it still be able to be seized. or just normal vehicles like qillin and prowler, still with the previously talked about paint or the flat tan/green versions. I also don't want to have to lose my progress to get a bench little bird, that seems ridiculous

3-vigi gangs have no reason to participate in gang wars. if you give war points for arresting rival gang members based on their loadout and bounty, but not for killing, it would make a pretty neat system to allow career vigis to be able to get some of the heavier gear that rebels would be seen in. as of now if a group of vigis goes against another gang, and they both want war points the vigis would lose progress on their tier system after arrest where a rebel would only lose their bounty. It would also be really difficult for war points to be earned by vigis with an arrest system but would be really rewarding if no new armor or clothing was added to vigi shops. and to even further this, you could only give war point rewards to sting level or higher vigis to avoid an exploitation of role switching to get points

Leave your thoughts below, any screeching about how "vigis are cancer" and "they shouldn't be able to play the same way I do" without any evidence or supporting information will be deemed immediately irrelevant


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+1 on everything besides the legal hunters and striders fuck that shit im not trying to have a vigi chasing me in a strider when i have a big bounty

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14 hours ago, PepeThePlatypus said:

Leave your thoughts below, any screeching about how "vigis are cancer" and "they shouldn't be able to play the same way I do" without any evidence or supporting information will be deemed immediately irrelevant


someones getting triggered

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Vigilante don't need more shit, we don't want basically another apd force running around with overpowered tazers (Don't say they are balanced cause they aren't they do as much as a actual rifle i have tazed people up to 500m to 1000m while my friends have gone for the restrain, wich that really needs to be fixed) APD is already cancer enough having like 10 cops on everyday at mostly all times checking redzones making it almost impossible to do decent runs. The reason for this update for vigi was to keep everyone running around with op tazers, you actually have to work for that shit now so it makes it harder for people to get them wich means not as many tazers running around.

Edited by Daniel162:^)

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