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I could use your help, Olympus


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Or rather, my Mom could.





This link will direct you to a page that explains in detail about what's going on and serves as a portal for donations.




My Mother has Cancer, 3 years ago she was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. Unfortunately we caught it a bit late, as it had spread into her lungs.


She's been troopin on through the endeavor, but we're simply living beyond our means with the medical bills. She has insurance, but the out of pocket maximum has to be met each year before the insurance starts covering 70% of the costs the rest of the year.


I'm living with my parents for the time being to minimize costs and help them with the money I get from work, but it quite simply just isn't enough. Couple this with our house being flooded recently and we just went flat broke.


I can't stand asking for money, really I'm just asking for help. Sharing this and spreading it is more than enough on its own and that's the least I ask from anybody who reads this.


I apologize if this is depressing for anyone, I don't mean to bog down anyone's day. We just can't afford to miss an opportunity like this where we have an awesome community that can spread information like wildfire. Again all I ask is that you spread and share the link, it goes such a long way and you'll be doing my Mother a great favor.




A huge thanks to Ebzekro, he's already played a huge role in lifting some weight of my Father's shoulders. He's made a huge difference already.




Thank you guys so much for reading, again I'm sorry if I put a damper on your day... I'm just trying to do everything I can to help out my Mother. There is a far more detailed explanation and regular updates in the link I posted above if you want to learn more. Thank you guys so much in advance.

Ill be praying for you buddy. Someone once told me that they understood my burden. At the time I had no idea what they were saying it was some random person that walks up to me in Hawaii, but he seems pretty serious. I look back and I said what you mean? He says your burden in life is you have to learn to accept. That was all he said to me then he left. It resonated deep for me because that is my burden as a paralyzed quadriplegic. I have to learn to ask for help every day, see the stress and weight it puts on the people around me but I still have to ask. Also have to learn to accept it and not hold it against myself that I can't do the things I cannot do, that I cannot control things, to which makes you feel less. If anything humility is something we all have but being able to embrace it is tough. Life is good, the good of all people that want to help you. We care for you McDill and I'm here if you ever need to talk.

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I cant even begin to imagine what it must feel like to have this going on, I'll try to help out when I get paid. You and your family have my love <3

Wish you would of told me Mcdillpickle. I'll be here if you need someone to talk to even if you only need me to listen. I'll do what I can to spread this and do what I can in terms of donations. 

im sorry to hear man my mother had breast cancer but pulled through i hope your mother can do the same.

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I lost my mother 2 years ago and I can't see another person lose theirs. I will try to see what I can do and get my friends to chip in bro, but I pray that your mother will get thru this battle and continue to live on bro (crying in tears while typing). I will ask God to heal her and send you and your family blessing bro. Stay up and continue marching bro! 

Good to see the faith in this thread. 


I don't know what you believe Mcdil, but I believe Jesus is a healer man. I'll be fervently praying for the swift and complete restoration of your mother's body, and for the raising of the funds needed to lighten the load from your family. 

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Shit man, that's gotta weigh tough, especially since it's your mother. Nothing but my sincerest condolences and highest of hopes to you. I'm not a believer, but you have my thoughts and e-love. I love my mom to death, and I can only imagine how much you're doing for her. 


But don't give up, and continue fighting. I'll definitely forward this to the local churches around here that my family is tied to, and put a tip jar in my aunt's restaurant.


Only the most precious of diamonds are made under the toughest of pressure, and the strongest steel forged in the hottest of forges. Hang in there, Mama McDili!

Always keep that chin up you scatman :'( you know I'll do what I can for ya.

Father passed "pancreatic cancer"61  2012 His wife Step ma passed very close to me in 2013 from "Cardiac" she was 60 and my mother passed in 2011 OD age 51, reasons why I share this is to show you are not alone and when I get my SSI check I can send you 20bux in slow mail since I don't have CC card..I will talk to you to get the mailing latter..in the mean time read this to her out loud if you wish this helps.. last five chapters of Psalms read out loud to those in need.

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