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One of you fine community members must have some info on this.


  • I have 2 houses, house A, and house B
  • Arma 3 works fine at house A, but at house B, I get battleye kicked every hour or so.
  • I have lost millions in Orcas, Tarus, hummingbirds and have made many dope crates sink to the bottom of the seas, never to be seen again at this point, so I will give away milis to fix this.
  • I have reinstalled battleye, arma 3, restarted internet, verified cache, deleted McAfee and all other 3rd party security services. Nothing works. If Anyone has info on a fix that leads to no battleye kicks over 3 days, I will give you the money in game.
  • It must be something to do with my network config interacting with my pc that makes this break, as it works fine with my house A internet.



I use ethernet. Help your friendly neighborhood medic return to Altis, I can't take any more of Black Ops 4.

I have resorted to watching sad music loops on YT, don't let it end like this... o7


  • Sad 1

Contact your internet service provider directly, and ask them about the networks stability, specifically how it would perform under stress. I'm assuming your internet at your moms, is better quality then the internet at your dads. Your father's internet might not be able to handle the needed internet speeds for online gameplay on arma. Speak to your father and get more information regarding the ISP and internet. I'm assuming the issue is that simple. Tell papa you need a upgrade for Christmas.

  • Like 1

In your problem house first what I would do is Verify the Integrity of the Game Files; just to make sure.  Next test your internet speeds with one of the free ones on Google.  You could have a low connection that causes a timeout of your session.  If your speed is fine then do a hard reset of the internet network. So unplug the power from the router and modem for like 20 seconds then plug the powers back in. Let the network boot up then try giving it a go.  If that doesn't fix your issues then try connecting to the server via the Arma 3 launcher Servers tab or the Parameters.  I think that connecting via Parameters may work better as you can dink around with connection settings in the "all parameters" section.

1 hour ago, Will_ said:

Contact your internet service provider directly, and ask them about the networks stability, specifically how it would perform under stress. I'm assuming your internet at your moms, is better quality then the internet at your dads. Your father's internet might not be able to handle the needed internet speeds for online gameplay on arma. Speak to your father and get more information regarding the ISP and internet. I'm assuming the issue is that simple. Tell papa you need a upgrade for Christmas.

Yeah I've heard that many devices connected to the same wifi can mess up battleye, but I only have about 8 or so connected wityh most of them being smart TVs/ Phones. If anything I have more devices at house A, and worse internet there (150mbs) because I pay for that myself since its my lease.

house B has 300MB download and I connect to the modem directly via ethernet and only 10ms ping so I don't think that's the issue, I've also restarted it multiple times via unplugging.

10 minutes ago, Toasty said:

Make sure youre running arma 3 on 64bit and on an ssd.

The launcher is 32 bit but game is 64.

I also have a whole SSD devoted to it.

1 hour ago, Shades said:

In your problem house first what I would do is Verify the Integrity of the Game Files; just to make sure.  Next test your internet speeds with one of the free ones on Google.  You could have a low connection that causes a timeout of your session.  If your speed is fine then do a hard reset of the internet network. So unplug the power from the router and modem for like 20 seconds then plug the powers back in. Let the network boot up then try giving it a go.  If that doesn't fix your issues then try connecting to the server via the Arma 3 launcher Servers tab or the Parameters.  I think that connecting via Parameters may work better as you can dink around with connection settings in the "all parameters" section.

How do I connect via params? I normally do connect via launcher but kicks occur.

1 hour ago, Vedalkenn said:

Try getting a Wifi USB 

I use ethernet

2 hours ago, hurican said:

get permed problem solved


it seems you have tried everything but this one thing. reset your network adaptors and try again. if that doesnt work try to either reinstall arma itself or completetly wipe your pc. here is a tutorial of how to reset your network adaptor. https://www.digitalcitizen.life/how-reset-all-your-windows-10-network-adapters-just-6-clicks

dm me if it worked

Depends on what battle eye kick it is if it is something like query timeout reset your pc i wasn't able to get it fixed any other way

What is the battle eye message?

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