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Let’s talk about the APD.


Recently there have been a huge influx of posts that all usually center around an APD nerf. A lot of these posts are bots with 20 hours played but still a lot of the community isn’t happy with the state of the APD. I know this server doesn’t care about rebel life and prefers cops and vigis. And I know my opinion won’t matter because fuck the rebels but still, Ill try. Keep in mind I  DONT THINK THE APD IS OVERPOWERED OR SHOULD BE REMOVED OR SOME BS LIKE THAT, THEY JUST NEED A REWORK. Now let’s begin :bender-dance:


First for federal events, balance ghosthawks. 

During my first week in Tree I did a Jailbreak. We killed off 3 waves of deputies and PO’s and out of nowhere a sergeant gets online and we get ghosthawked. For a server that wants to “simulate the real size of a police force” that is outright stupid. If I kill around 9 rookies and normal officers in real life, no one is going to bring out an armed and armored helicopter to kill me and my group of 6. Instead of allowing ghosthawks to be pulled like that, make it so there’s a minimum amount of waves before it can be pulled or a minimum amount of people or something. 

2nd restraining officers.

This is brief. After I tase anyone I can restrain them. Why isn’t this the same with cops? You may argue “but RDM vigis can restrain them!”. Well, vigis can RDM civs and take their weapons which cost infinitely more than a cops load out EVER will. So I think if I tase a cop I should be able to restrain him. And with 3 to 1 I think that it’s  stupid that I can’t restrain the officer. Not getting into that though.

3rd the taser script.

Now we all can agree, the taser script is completely broken. Cops have full auto tasers that full on 2 tap me in full rebel, level 4 gear. I think the taser script just needs to be worked on and balanced out. Mcdili stated it was broken a long time ago. Maybe instead of making false promises and adding useless shit like fucking underglow you should fix your game.

tldr; I don’t think the APD is overpowered. However the APD seriously flawed and needs work.

Edited by obnoxious
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2 minutes ago, LSD said:

jk fuck apd join R&R we have coffee

We have Coffee AND Doughnuts!



Suck on that!

25 minutes ago, obnoxious said:

During my first week in Tree I did a Jailbreak. We killed off 3 waves of deputies and PO’s and out of nowhere a sergeant gets online and we get ghosthawked. For a server that wants to “simulate the real size of a police force” that is outright stupid. If I kill around 9 rookies and normal officers in real life, no one is going to bring out an armed and armored helicopter to kill me and my group of 6. Instead of allowing ghosthawks to be pulled like that, make it so there’s a minimum amount of waves before it can be pulled or a minimum amount of people or something. 

Just wanted to put this out there cause this argument is dumb:

If that many officers actually got killed IRL in a single situation I am pretty sure the national guard would get called in.


Not saying they don't need a nerf, but just saying your point is broken.

25 minutes ago, obnoxious said:

This is brief. After I tase anyone I can restrain them. Why isn’t this the same with cops? You may argue “but RDM vigis can restrain them!”. Well, vigis can RDM civs and take their weapons which cost infinitely more than a cops load out EVER will. So I think if I tase a cop I should be able to restrain him. And with 3 to 1 I think that it’s  stupid that I can’t restrain the officer. Not getting into that though.

This has to do more with the fact that officers getting tased and restrained with no restraints was BROKEN when it was like this in the past. Not to mention it really screws the balance of the rest of the server up when it does happen. Cops no longer patrol cities out of fear of getting tased/robbed (its REALLY easy to take them down in a tase compared to civs).


25 minutes ago, obnoxious said:

Now we all can agree, the taser script is completely broken. Cops have full auto tasers that full on 2 tap me in full rebel, level 4 gear. I think the taser script just needs to be worked on and balanced out. Mcdili stated it was broken a long time ago. Maybe instead of making false promises and adding useless shit like fucking underglow you should fix your game.

Now this tears a string for me. 

Fuck off. Honestly. 

You literally cannot compare adding donation goals THAT THE COMMUNITY PUT THEIR MONEY TOWARDS and fixing bugs. You just can't. Not to mention, we all do this for FREE. 

The script probably doesn't work the best, but it's like that so that people are getting tased and aren't dying from tasers. I am sure we on the dev side can do some testing to help it, but it'll most likely still work like this:

When your health drops down below a certain amount, you are automatically tased if being shot by a taser. Currently this number is 10 HP or 10% of health left. 

People have complained in the past but it would seem this isn't requested enough by Civilian Council members or others for this to be our focus.

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the only thing they should add is cops losing 15k or some amount every time they die, when i kill a cop i want him to lose at least something like I do when I get ran up on by 9 cops and have to sit in a virtual jail for 80 minutes and lose like 300k 

i dont give a shit about anything else because in my opinion cops are balanced because they get one shot by most rebel weapons and are pretty damn easy to kill but just make it so they lose some money on a death so they lose something, yall try to keep the "simulation of a real police force" and make all these real life examples of what would happen etc etc.. but cops just spawn in with a full loadout every time they die so just make it that they lose 15-20k every time they die so if i shit on a cop 4-5 times he is down a sizable amount of money because with him just coming back over and over and over again he has everything to gain and nothing to lose and if i lose after the 8th time ive shat on the cops they reap all the benefits and i get to sit in virtual jail for over an hour

Edited by Grim Khan
  • Like 5
32 minutes ago, obnoxious said:

ghosthawks, make it so there’s a minimum amount of waves before it can be pulled

the taser script is completely broken


6 minutes ago, Grim Khan said:

they should add cops losing 15k or some amount every time they die


1 hour ago, swervy said:


I love it when people remember how anti apd i am :wub:

1 hour ago, Grim Khan said:

the only thing they should add is cops losing 15k or some amount every time they die

YES, 1000 times yes, the fact that the apd is a faction where you make so much money by not having to do a single run but instead fucking over other people doing runs there should be something in place making it so that cops actually loose money when they die, civs loose money when they die be it revive or having to buy a new loadout, its complete and utter retarded how the apd can go for ages without loosing money what so ever. The only APD members that "loose" money are the ones who make so much they end up selling money to civilians resulting in them being "broke"  but in reality having made IRL money from their high income faction.


1 hour ago, obnoxious said:

During my first week in Tree I did a Jailbreak. We killed off 3 waves of deputies and PO’s and out of nowhere a sergeant gets online and we get ghosthawked. For a server that wants to “simulate the real size of a police force” that is outright stupid. If I kill around 9 rookies and normal officers in real life, no one is going to bring out an armed and armored helicopter to kill me and my group of 6. Instead of allowing ghosthawks to be pulled like that, make it so there’s a minimum amount of waves before it can be pulled or a minimum amount of people or something. 

The thing about having a limit on ghosthawks (lets say can only be pulled after wave 8) would end up having the result be that at EVERY event that the APD can pull a hawk they will come in on wave 8 EVERY time and not just bring out a ghosthawk now and then. (i was there during the jailbreak) I fully agree that what the SGT did was complete and utter retarded, even after talking to him what he told me was "They told me they had done 200 waves and was outnumbered the entire time" which is completely and utter false, we had done 6 waves in total, 2 of them being inside the jail itself. We were 6 people and the APD was there man strong with a solid 8 to 10 cops (cant remember exactly). He got on, didnt do a single wave and simply came in a ghawk and plowed us all down THROUGH the jail with 0 skill and not even a brain required. I personally hate the ghosthawk, its a retarded addition to the APD and should have never been added in the first place, but as mentioned before, the problem with putting a limit on things is that it takes away the "they might not pull a hawk" and instead make it nearly 100% guaranteed that they will pull a hawk EVERY time they "reach" that point. Same goes for saying "they can only have 1 hawk out" that will result in 1 hawk ALWAYS being out and present during everything.


1 hour ago, obnoxious said:

This is brief. After I tase anyone I can restrain them. Why isn’t this the same with cops? You may argue “but RDM vigis can restrain them!”. Well, vigis can RDM civs and take their weapons which cost infinitely more than a cops load out EVER will. So I think if I tase a cop I should be able to restrain him. And with 3 to 1 I think that it’s  stupid that I can’t restrain the officer. Not getting into that though.

I can understand having 3 civilians to "3 to 1" a cop, but when a cop is literally incapable of doing ANYTHING at all its 100% retarded that you need 3 people in close proximity. What tends to happen is that most of the time cops dont go alone and that will end up being yet another hinder seeing as you cant restrain a cop whenever another cop is nearby, it literally forces you to outnumber the cops / tase ALL the cops which at most of the time when you go out to taze cops is quite the task. Especially if a SAPD member is your target as they always tend to have ATLEAST 4 cock suckers with them at all times and thats not counting the other cops with them or the other SAPD member usually playing with them. Something should definetly be changed when it comes to the whole restraining cop thing and im working my ass off to get people to realize how retarded it is that you need 3 people to restrain a tazed cop. 

1 hour ago, obnoxious said:

Now we all can agree, the taser script is completely broken. Cops have full auto tasers that full on 2 tap me in full rebel, level 4 gear. I think the taser script just needs to be worked on and balanced out. Mcdili stated it was broken a long time ago.

The taser script is broken and people who says its not broken are either cops or braindead. 

1 hour ago, TheCmdrRex said:

People have complained in the past but it would seem this isn't requested enough by Civilian Council members or others for this to be our focus.

Alright, seeing as asking once wasnt enough il start bringing it up EVERY meeting just so people dont forget, we have already asked for it to be fixed simply to get the good old "maybe" which we all love and adore. 

1 hour ago, obnoxious said:


The apd is overpowered either you like it or not.

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31 minutes ago, Bojo said:

I love it when people remember how anti apd i am :wub:

YES, 1000 times yes, the fact that the apd is a faction where you make so much money by not having to do a single run but instead fucking over other people doing runs there should be something in place making it so that cops actually loose money when they die, civs loose money when they die be it revive or having to buy a new loadout, its complete and utter retarded how the apd can go for ages without loosing money what so ever. The only APD members that "loose" money are the ones who make so much they end up selling money to civilians resulting in them being "broke"  but in reality having made IRL money from their high income faction.


The thing about having a limit on ghosthawks (lets say can only be pulled after wave 8) would end up having the result be that at EVERY event that the APD can pull a hawk they will come in on wave 8 EVERY time and not just bring out a ghosthawk now and then. (i was there during the jailbreak) I fully agree that what the SGT did was complete and utter retarded, even after talking to him what he told me was "They told me they had done 200 waves and was outnumbered the entire time" which is completely and utter false, we had done 6 waves in total, 2 of them being inside the jail itself. We were 6 people and the APD was there man strong with a solid 8 to 10 cops (cant remember exactly). He got on, didnt do a single wave and simply came in a ghawk and plowed us all down THROUGH the jail with 0 skill and not even a brain required. I personally hate the ghosthawk, its a retarded addition to the APD and should have never been added in the first place, but as mentioned before, the problem with putting a limit on things is that it takes away the "they might not pull a hawk" and instead make it nearly 100% guaranteed that they will pull a hawk EVERY time they "reach" that point. Same goes for saying "they can only have 1 hawk out" that will result in 1 hawk ALWAYS being out and present during everything.


I can understand having 3 civilians to "3 to 1" a cop, but when a cop is literally incapable of doing ANYTHING at all its 100% retarded that you need 3 people in close proximity. What tends to happen is that most of the time cops dont go alone and that will end up being yet another hinder seeing as you cant restrain a cop whenever another cop is nearby, it literally forces you to outnumber the cops / tase ALL the cops which at most of the time when you go out to taze cops is quite the task. Especially if a SAPD member is your target as they always tend to have ATLEAST 4 cock suckers with them at all times and thats not counting the other cops with them or the other SAPD member usually playing with them. Something should definetly be changed when it comes to the whole restraining cop thing and im working my ass off to get people to realize how retarded it is that you need 3 people to restrain a tazed cop. 

The taser script is broken and people who says its not broken are either cops or braindead. 

Alright, seeing as asking once wasnt enough il start bringing it up EVERY meeting just so people dont forget, we have already asked for it to be fixed simply to get the good old "maybe" which we all love and adore. 

The apd is overpowered either you like it or not.

Everything this retard said I back 100%. Will something actually get done? No, thats just how the server is :shrug:

  • Like 5
6 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:


Now this tears a string for me. 

Fuck off. Honestly. 

You literally cannot compare adding donation goals THAT THE COMMUNITY PUT THEIR MONEY TOWARDS and fixing bugs. You just can't. Not to mention, we all do this for FREE. 

The script probably doesn't work the best, but it's like that so that people are getting tased and aren't dying from tasers. I am sure we on the dev side can do some testing to help it, but it'll most likely still work like this:

When your health drops down below a certain amount, you are automatically tased if being shot by a taser. Currently this number is 10 HP or 10% of health left. 

People have complained in the past but it would seem this isn't requested enough by Civilian Council members or others for this to be our focus.

jesus sorry didn’t know the donations made you so angry i apologize it’s just tasers are really the most important thing to the APD and it seems like they have an advantage with the broken script. once again i do apologize though.

6 minutes ago, obnoxious said:

jesus sorry didn’t know the donations made you so angry i apologize it’s just tasers are really the most important thing to the APD and it seems like they have an advantage with the broken script. once again i do apologize though.

nothing will ever happen to the APD 

7 hours ago, Grim Khan said:

the only thing they should add is cops losing 15k or some amount every time they die 

If this would be something they made happen apd would die because i don’t think anyone wants to lose 15 k everytime they die.

Edited by PurgEe
4 hours ago, communistjosh said:

Where do you live that 9 cops getting killed is super casual?

queens new york. cops dying ain’t normal lmao but i’m just making a statement.

Edited by obnoxious
5 hours ago, PurgEe said:

If this would be something they made happen apd would die because i don’t think anyone wants to lose 15 k everytime they die.

Civ hasn’t died yet we have to pay at least 10k for revive and if we can’t get revived it’s 100k+ for loadout 

If nothing gets done about a deputy being able to 1 tap full lvl 4 csat gear etc.

then atleast give them NLR on areas like rebel/redzones (not including feds/blackwater/jail)

or give them a respawn timer of like 3 mins (unless they spawn at a diff PD) they shouldnt be able to respawn in kavala 5 secs  after u kill them that makes no sense

14 hours ago, obnoxious said:

First for federal events, balance ghosthawks. 

During my first week in Tree I did a Jailbreak. We killed off 3 waves of deputies and PO’s and out of nowhere a sergeant gets online and we get ghosthawked. For a server that wants to “simulate the real size of a police force” that is outright stupid. If I kill around 9 rookies and normal officers in real life, no one is going to bring out an armed and armored helicopter to kill me and my group of 6. Instead of allowing ghosthawks to be pulled like that, make it so there’s a minimum amount of waves before it can be pulled or a minimum amount of people or something. 



Ghosthawks should only be pulled for federal events, not on me and my poor little hummingbird, after yoinking a po to rob his gear. 

12 hours ago, Bojo said:

The taser script is broken and people who says its not broken are either cops or braindead. 


11 hours ago, PurgEe said:

If this would be something they made happen apd would die because i don’t think anyone wants to lose 15 k everytime they die.

how would APD die from that? civs can lose upwards of 300k when they die, cops make ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing half the time, they can be sitting in hq with their thumbs up their asses and make 400k in 5 minutes from some arrests they werent even involved in

15k a death is extremely reasonable and should be implemented to ensure that cops lose SOMETHING when they die, like civs do

fair is fair right?

18 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Just wanted to put this out there cause this argument is dumb:

If that many officers actually got killed IRL in a single situation I am pretty sure the national guard would get called in.


Not saying they don't need a nerf, but just saying your point is broken.

This has to do more with the fact that officers getting tased and restrained with no restraints was BROKEN when it was like this in the past. Not to mention it really screws the balance of the rest of the server up when it does happen. Cops no longer patrol cities out of fear of getting tased/robbed (its REALLY easy to take them down in a tase compared to civs).


Now this tears a string for me. 

Fuck off. Honestly. 

You literally cannot compare adding donation goals THAT THE COMMUNITY PUT THEIR MONEY TOWARDS and fixing bugs. You just can't. Not to mention, we all do this for FREE. 

The script probably doesn't work the best, but it's like that so that people are getting tased and aren't dying from tasers. I am sure we on the dev side can do some testing to help it, but it'll most likely still work like this:

When your health drops down below a certain amount, you are automatically tased if being shot by a taser. Currently this number is 10 HP or 10% of health left. 

People have complained in the past but it would seem this isn't requested enough by Civilian Council members or others for this to be our focus.

In Dallas a mass shooter killed 5 cops, within less than an hour the entire area was evacuated and he was killed by c4 strapped to an EOD robot. 


When a crazy dude also decided to shoot  and kill 3 cops and hide in Canada almost all of the RCMP and tons of other agencies occupied the town and hunted him for a week straight. If someone were to kill 9 cops IRL they wouldn't come out alive and SWAT teams from every agency in a 100 mile radius would join the hunt.


Even here in Brasil if a cop is killed BOPE goes to the favela and kills every criminal they can find as revenge.

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